WizNote server for hosting on your server or private cloud
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WizNote is a cloud service that you could use to save your notes or share documents with your colleagues. We have all platform applications, and now you could host WizNote Server on your PC or server, even preserve the data on AWS or Azure.
Multi ways to record and collect information
Efficient Organization
Convenient, fast synchronization
Sharing and Collaboration
Download all Platform supported applications
For changelogs of these applications, please click: https://wiz.cn/download.html
First of all, please install and start the Docker desktop.
cd ~
mkdir wizdata
Create a folder wizdata for preserving all the data of WizNote Server. Please backup this folder regularly. If you want to use NAS or private cloud as data storage, please contact us.
docker run --name wiz --restart=always -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -e TZ=`ls -la /etc/localtime | cut -d/ -f8-9` -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp wiznote/wizserver
cd ~
mkdir wizdata
docker run --name wiz --restart=always -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp wiznote/wizserver
cd \
md wizdata
It will create a folder wizdata in D:\ for preserving all the data. You could modify this folder.
docker run --name wiz --restart=always -it -d -v D:\wizdata:/wiz/storage -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp wiznote/wizserver
It is the first time to run the docker container, so it needs to download the image and initiate the data. Please wait for a while(depends on the network connection; it will take 10 minutes or longer). After the download process finished, the time of running will take 2-3 minutes.
You will see this page:
If it displays like the page below, it means the server has not ready, please wait a minute and refresh.
If port 80 has occupied, you could modify it to 8080 or another one.
docker run --name wiz -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -p 8080:80 wiznote/wizserver
docker run --name wiz -it -d -v D:\wizdata:/wiz/storage -p 8080:80 wiznote/wizserver
After modified the port, please change the link of the website accordingly.
You could open the web application by visiting your IP address like this, so the user in the same LAN could connect the server via IP address and port(opt)
The case when you modify the port like this:
On Windows, you have to make the port through the firewall.
After modifying the port, please restart the container and the WizNote Server
docker stop wiz
docker rm wiz
docker run --name wiz --restart=always -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp wiznote/wizserver
Please change the third line as you require
docker start wiz
docker stop wiz
docker rm wiz
docker pull wiznote/wizserver:latest
docker run --name wiz --restart=always -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp wiznote/wizserver
Or you could update WizNote Server image automatically by using Watchtower: https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower
For example, change the time zone to UTC/GMT+08:00
docker exec -it wiz /bin/bash
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
Add -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime
to the running command to get local time zone
run --name wiz -it -d -v ~/wizdata:/wiz/storage -p 80:80 -p 9269:9269/udp -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime wiznote/wizserver
-e TZ=`ls -la /etc/localtime | cut -d/ -f8-9`
For more FAQ: 🔗https://www.wiz.cn/docker.html
docker pull wiznote/wizserver