Submission of team nlp_logix to the WMH Segmentation Challenge.
This is the submission of team nlp_logix, send in for evaluation within the WMH Segmentation Challenge. Full details can be found here: http://wmh.isi.uu.nl/results/nlp_logix/
Instructions on how to run this container are here: http://wmh.isi.uu.nl/methods/ . The required command is: /bin/bash -c "source /etc/fsl/5.0/fsl.sh && cd /src/python/algorithms/flair-patchnet/dev && python dscore.py --ckps 'ckp_rc24,ckp_rc49,ckp_rc50' --model_dirpath /model --input_dirpath /input --output_dirpath /output"
Note that this container requires access to a GPU.
docker pull wmhchallenge/nlp_logix