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Updated 7 months ago

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WNPRC Modules (for LabKey)

This repository includes all the custom LabKey modules developed by the WNPRC for use in the EHR system. Each subfolder contains a separate module.

Building the WNPRC Modules

To build the WNPRC EHR modules for development:

  1. Follow the instructions to set up a LabKey development machine.
  2. From the LabKey root directory:
    1. Clone this repo into the external modules directory:
      git clone https://github.com/WNPRC-EHR-Services/wnprc-modules.git externalModules/wnprc-modules
    2. Add the following to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:
    3. Build LabKey, which includes all of our modules, too:
      ./gradlew deployApp

From there, all standard Gradle rules apply; you can build individual modules or even individual steps. For example:

# deploy our modules only
./gradlew :externalModules:wnprc-modules:deployModules

# build just the WNPRC_EHR module
./gradlew :ext:wnp:WNPRC_EHR:build

# re-run webpack for the breeding module
./gradlew :ext:wnp:bre:webpack

Docker Pull Command

docker pull wnprcehr/tomcat