
By worthnl

Updated 3 months ago

GOV.UK Notify admin application

Content Management System
Web Servers



GOV.UK Notify admin application - https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/

  • Register and manage users
  • Create and manage services
  • Send batch emails and SMS by uploading a CSV
  • Show history of notifications

Setting up

Python version

At the moment we run Python 3.11 in production.

NodeJS & NPM

If you don't have NodeJS on your system, install it with homebrew.

brew install node

nvm is a tool for managing different versions of NodeJS. Follow the guidance on nvm's github repository to install it.

Once installed, run the following to switch to the version of NodeJS for this project. If you don't have that version, it should tell you how to install it.

nvm use

In the root directory of the application, run:

echo "
export NOTIFY_ENVIRONMENT='development'
export FLASK_APP=application.py
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
"> environment.sh
AWS credentials

To run parts of the app, such as uploading letters, you will need appropriate AWS credentials. See the Wiki for more details.


We use pre-commit to ensure that committed code meets basic standards for formatting, and will make basic fixes for you to save time and aggravation.

Install pre-commit system-wide with, eg brew install pre-commit. Then, install the hooks in this repository with pre-commit install --install-hooks.

To run the application

# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

# run the web app
make run-flask

Then visit localhost:6012.

Any Python code changes you make should be picked up automatically in development. If you're developing JavaScript or CSS code, run make watch-frontend to achieve the same.

To test the application

# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

# run all the tests
make test

# continuously run js tests
npm run test-watch

To run a specific JavaScript test, you'll need to copy the full command from package.json.

Further docs

Docker Pull Command

docker pull worthnl/notifynl-admin