We run python 3.11 both locally and in production.
Follow these instructions on Mac M1 machines.
To run the API you will need appropriate AWS credentials. See the Wiki for more details.
Creating and edit an environment.sh file.
echo "
export NOTIFY_ENVIRONMENT='development'
export FLASK_APP=application.py
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
"> environment.sh
Things to change:
with local_dev_<first name>
.notify-pass credentials/firetext
notify-pass credentials/mmg
This app requires Postgres to run.
If you are using notifications-local, the correct Postgres version will be provided automatically by the docker-compose file.
If you are running this app manually, you will need to manage Postgres yourself. Install Postgres.app. Check the docker-compose file above to find the correct Postgres version to use.
When our unit tests are run in Concourse, Postgres is based into the container via the concourse_tests step of docker/Dockerfile.
To switch redis on you'll need to install it locally. On a Mac you can do:
# assuming you use Homebrew
brew install redis
brew services start redis
To use redis caching you need to switch it on with an environment variable:
We use pre-commit to ensure that committed code meets basic standards for formatting, and will make basic fixes for you to save time and aggravation.
Install pre-commit system-wide with, eg brew install pre-commit
. Then, install the hooks in this repository with pre-commit install --install-hooks
# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap
# run the web app
make run-flask
# run the background tasks
make run-celery
# run scheduled tasks (optional)
make run-celery-beat
We've had problems running Celery locally due to one of its dependencies: pycurl. Due to the complexity of the issue, we also support running Celery via Docker:
# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap-with-docker
# run the background tasks
make run-celery-with-docker
# run scheduled tasks
make run-celery-beat-with-docker
# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap
make test
Tasks are run through the flask
command - run flask --help
for more information. There are two sections we need to
care about: flask db
contains alembic migration commands, and flask command
contains all of our custom commands. For
example, to purge all dynamically generated functional test data, do the following:
flask command purge_functional_test_data -u <functional tests user name prefix>
On the server
cf run-task notify-api "flask command purge_functional_test_data -u <functional tests user name prefix>"
All commands and command options have a --help command if you need more information.
docker pull worthnl/notifynl-api