
By x11docker

Updated over 3 years ago

Fluxbox window manager. Based on Debian.




Quite small base image with fluxbox window manager. Based on Debian.

  • Run fluxbox in docker.
  • Use x11docker to run GUI applications and desktop environments in docker images.

Look at x11docker --help for further options.

Please build image instead of pulling it

docker hub does not provide automated builds for free anymore. So this image is becoming old and outdated. Instead of pulling this image, please build it locally yourself. x11docker can do this for you with:

x11docker --build x11docker/fluxbox

Example commands:

  • Full desktop: x11docker --desktop fluxbox
  • Single application: x11docker x11docker/fluxbox eterm

Extend base image

To add your desired applications, create your own Dockerfile with this image as a base. Example:

FROM x11docker/fluxbox
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y firefox-esr


Fluxbox window manager desktop in a Xephyr window running with x11docker:


Docker Pull Command

docker pull x11docker/fluxbox