Simply run Docker with:
docker run -d -p 8090:8090 goellnerit/crowd-docker
If you are using OSX you first need to find out your boot2docker IP before you can access your application:
boot2docker ip
Now open (http://[Docker Host IP]:8090)[http://[Docker Host IP]:8090] in your browser.
On a live environment, we are using nginx from jwilder:
So to run the application at your own url just run the jwilder/nginx-proxy and use the following command:
docker run -d -VIRTUAL_HOST=subdomain.domain.tld -VIRTUAL_PORT=8090 goellnerit/crowd-docker
If you need a persistant file system and mysql database, please use:
#mysql server
docker run --name yourmysql -v /data/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d -v /data/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[yourpasswordhere] -d mysql:latest
#data container
docker run -u root --name data-jira -v /dockerData/crowdHome:/var/local/atlassian/crowd goellnerit/crowd-docker chown -R daemon /var/local/atlassian/crowd
#persistant storage and connected database
docker run -v /data/crowd:/var/local/atlassian/crowd --link yourmysql:db --d -e RAM_MIN=2048 -e RAM_MAX=4096 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=subdomain.yourdomain.tld goellnerit/crowd-docker
If you want to connect to the server using remote debugging in your environment:
docker run -p 8090:8090 -p 5005:5005 -e CONF_REMOTE_DEBUG=true -d -e RAM_MIN=2048 -e RAM_MAX=4096 goellnerit/crowd-docker
An example to run it in a Docker compose file:
image: goellnerit/crowd-docker
- /data/[your directory]:/var/atlassian/crowd
- mysql:db
- VIRTUAL_HOST=[your url if you run with nginx]
- RAM_MIN=2048
- RAM_MAX=8048
- HTTPS=true
- PROXY_NAME=[your url if you run with nginx will be added to server.xml]
- NEWRELIC_LICENSE=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- NEWRELIC_APP_NAME=[your name if you want to use newrelic! if not remove the 3 newrelic lines]
restart: always
image: mysql:5.6
- /data/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d
- /data/mysqlcrowd:/var/lib/mysql
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[your very long password]
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=[your very long password]
restart: always
If you are searching for other Atlassian tools, feel free to checkout our other repositories at https://hub.docker.com/u/goellnerit/ and https://bitbucket.org/philippgoellner/
If you want to help with our Docker effort, please send us a pull request or just shoot over an email with your Bitbucket account to get rights on this repository.
If you need help using this images or integrating them into your infrastructure / CI process etc., feel free to contact me at philipp.goellner@xaltbc.de
docker pull xalt/crowd