
By xblaxk

Updated 6 months ago

This is a image to run fabric minecraft server

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Minecraft Fabric Modloader Server Docker Repository

This Docker repository provides a pre-configured environment for creating and managing Minecraft servers using the Fabric modloader. Fabric is a lightweight and modular modding toolchain that allows you to customize your Minecraft experience. This Docker setup simplifies the process of setting up a Fabric server by automating many of the required steps.


  • Pre-configured Fabric Modloader: Automatically installs and configures Fabric modloader.
  • Customizable Server: Easily add and manage mods.
  • Persistent Data: Server data, including world files, are stored in a Docker volume, ensuring persistence between runs.
  • RCON Support: RCON (Remote Console) is enabled, allowing you to manage your server remotely via port 25575.
  • Resource Management: Configure the server’s memory usage with environment variables, allowing fine control over resource allocation.
  • Ease of Use: Quickly deploy a Minecraft server with Fabric using a single Docker command.


  • Docker installed on your system.
  • Basic understanding of Docker commands and Minecraft server configuration.

How to Use

Step 1: Pull the Docker Image

First, pull the Docker image from the repository:

docker pull xblaxk/minecraft_fabric:minecraft-version

Replace minecraft-version with the desired Minecraft version tag.

Step 2: Create and Run the Container

To create and run the container with a mounted volume and memory limits, use the following command:

docker run -d \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    -p 25575:25575 \
    -v MyFabricServer:/minecraft_server \
    -e JAVA_MIN_HEAP_MB=256 \
    --memory="8g" \
    --name fabric-minecraft-server \

Explanation of the Command:

  • -d: Runs the container in detached mode.
  • -p 25565:25565: Maps the Minecraft server port to the host.
  • -p 25575:25575: Maps the RCON port to the host, allowing remote server management.
  • -v MyFabricServer1.20.1:/minecraft_server: Creates a Docker volume named MyFabricServer1.20.1 and mounts it to /minecraft_server inside the container. This volume will store all server data persistently.
  • -e SERVER_NAME="MyFabricServer": Sets the server name.
  • -e JAVA_MIN_HEAP_MB=256: Sets the minimum heap size for the JVM to 256 MB. Default: 256
  • -e JAVA_PERCENTAGE_MAX_HEAP=90: Sets the maximum heap size for the JVM as 90% of the total container memory. You can adjust this value as needed. Default 90%
  • --memory="2g": Limits the maximum amount of RAM the container can use to 2 GB. Adjust this value based on your server's available resources.
  • --name fabric-minecraft-server: Names the Docker container.
Step 3: Access the Server

After running the container, your Minecraft server should be accessible via localhost:25565 (or replace localhost with your server's IP address if running on a remote machine). You can manage the server remotely using RCON on localhost:25575.

Step 4: Adding Mods

To add mods to your Fabric server, simply place the .jar files into the /minecraft_server/mods directory inside the container. If you're working from the host machine:

docker cp /path/to/mods/your-mod.jar fabric-minecraft-server:/minecraft_server/mods/

These mods will be automatically loaded the next time you start the server.

Step 5: Enable RCON on Your Minecraft Server

To enable RCON, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the server.properties File: The server.properties file is located in the /minecraft_server directory inside the container. You can access it by running:

    docker exec -it fabric-minecraft-server vi /minecraft_server/server.properties
  2. Edit the server.properties File: Open the file and configure the following settings:

    • rcon.port: The port RCON will use (default 25575).
    • rcon.password: Set a secure password for RCON access.
    • enable-rcon: Set this to true to enable RCON.
  3. Save and Close the File: After editing, save the file and exit the editor.

  4. Restart the Server: Restart the server for changes to take effect:

    docker restart fabric-minecraft-server
  5. Connect via RCON: Use an RCON client to connect to your server using the IP address, RCON port (25575), and the password you set.

Step 6: Managing the Server

To stop the server, run:

docker stop fabric-minecraft-server

To start the server again:

docker start fabric-minecraft-server

To view server logs:

docker logs -f fabric-minecraft-server
Step 7: Updating the Server

To update your server to a new Minecraft version, pull the appropriate image and recreate the container:

docker pull xblaxk/minecraft_fabric:new-minecraft-version
docker stop fabric-minecraft-server
docker rm fabric-minecraft-server
docker run -d \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    -p 25575:25575 \
    -v MyFabricServer:/minecraft_server \
    -e JAVA_MIN_HEAP_MB=256 \
    --memory="8g" \
    --name fabric-minecraft-server \
Step 8: Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request if you have any improvements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull xblaxk/minecraft_fabric