
By xebialabs

Updated 18 days ago

Docker images for Digital.ai Release Orchestration



Digital.ai Release Orchestration

Formerly Xebialabs Release Orchestration

With Digital.ai Release, you can manage the most advanced release pipelines with ease:

  • Plan, automate, and analyze the entire software release pipeline
  • Control and optimize software delivery
  • Always know the status of automated and manual steps across the release pipeline
  • Identify bottlenecks, reduce errors, and lower the risk of release failures

Learn more about Digital.ai Release Orchestration and sign up for a free trial at digital.ai.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Please note that you must provide a tag name when pulling Docker images as we do not support the latest tag. Docker development best practices do not recommend users to rely on the automatically created latest tag especially in production environments, which is why we require the use of semantic versioning for tags. The latest tag is best suited for products which are always being incremented by one version. This is not suitable for our products which have maintenance releases for older versions. For example, if we release 10.0.0 followed by 9.5.5, the Docker image standards would use the last pushed image which would result in 9.5.5 being tagged as latest, potentially causing conflicts.

Quickstart if you do not have a license

A trial license would be generated when you run the following docker run command without passing the XL_LICENSE parameter. However, you must have Internet access as you would need to connect to one of the Digital.ai servers to generate the trial license.

Note: The following docker run command fails if you try to install Release 10.1 or earlier as you must have a valid license for installing Release 10.1 or earlier—in which case you must use the command in the following section "Quickstart if you have a license".

If you do not have a license, execute:

$ docker run -e "ADMIN_PASSWORD=desired-admin-password" -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -p 5516:5516 --name xlr xebialabs/xl-release:22.2

Set ADMIN_PASSWORD to the desired password for the admin user. Note that by running this command, you are accepting the End User License Agreement.

Quick start if you have a license

If you have a license, execute:

$ docker run -e "ADMIN_PASSWORD=desired-admin-password" -e "XL_LICENSE=license-string" -p 5516:5516 --name xlr xebialabs/xl-release:22.2

Set ADMIN_PASSWORD to the desired password for the admin user. Set XL_LICENSE to the Base64-encoded license string.

Accessing the product

After the product starts, assuming Docker is running on your local machine, you can access it at http://localhost:5516. Log in with the user name admin and the password that you set in the Docker command.

More information

Docker Pull Command

docker pull xebialabs/xl-release