
By xeor

Updated about 4 years ago



home-assistant container with some customs

  • Run hass as its own user
  • Start hass with encrypted secrets
  • Secret-file are deleted when hass starts

Security - encrypted secrets

The secrets are encrypted using a key that is only visible when home-assistant is starting. We do this by

  • Using gpg to decrypt the secrets.yaml file right before home-assistant is stareted.

  • The password is read from /etc/init-secrets/secretfile_pw

    • The file is deleted once decrypted
    • It is upto you to create a way for it to be populated at container-startup. You can example use k8s initcontainers for this, read secret from A, copy to B, then make sure the home-assistant container can only read (and delete) B.
  • Container doesnt have SYS_PTRACE capability (as default), so debuggers can't attach to the running python program and get the secret. Only home-assistant can.

  • Use secret_decrypt to manually decrypt, or secret_encrypt to encrypt it.. Set DONT_DELETE_PWFILE=1 if you want to keep the secret pw file..

  • To start using encryption, you can create the initial encrypted file with:

    • gpg --output /config/secrets.yaml.enc --symmetric --s2k-mode 3 --s2k-count 65011712 --s2k-digest-algo SHA512 --cipher-algo AES256 --no-symkey-cache --armor /config/secrets.yaml

Docker Pull Command

docker pull xeor/hass