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Tag organizer that uses names of files and folders to create symlinks. Tags are defined by using #hashtags in the name. They can also be as many sub levels as you want, like #sub-hash-tag
note This version is a completey different version than the old (https://github.com/xeor/taggo/tree/0.2). The old version works for python 2 (but not 3). It also had config-file instead of parameters. Check out the repo if you want it..
This project is in beta stage, please report bugs :)
Any questions, thoughts, bugs are very welcome!
Start the container with environment variables like CRON_TAGGO_0
with the format * * * * *|run ....
. The first param is a cron, the 2nd is the parameters sent to the taggo
command.Why the name taggo?
Why do you want to create tags with symlinks?
docker pull xeor/taggo