
By xrsec

Updated over 3 years ago

Canvas special version VNC version



Immunity Canvas Docker Build

versionDocker Automated BuildCanvas Update

前言:docker 容器来自 gotoeasy 的docker-ubuntu:18.04-vnc版 进行的二开 感谢 飞蓬 转载提供的 Immunity Canvas压缩包 2emu / hacker1961 感谢 NorahC_IV潇湘信安WgpSec 提供的技术支持 (排名不分先后)


For details about screen parameters, see:docker-ubuntu-desktop

Inter x86
docker run -d \
-p 55900:5900 \
-p 55022:22 \
-p 4445:4445 \
-p 4446:4446 \
-e PASSWD=123456 \
--name canvas \
--hostname canvas \
docker run -d \
-p 55900:5900 \
-p 55022:22 \
-p 4445:4445 \
-p 4446:4446 \
-e PASSWD=123456 \
--name canvas \
--hostname canvas \

Start Canvas After VNC


IP database

Not collected at present, need to download separately

Bugs ❌

  • 可能会遇见奇怪的bugs 重新下载在解压即可

  • docker 没有 root-->/canvas/canvas/installer/linux_installer.sh

    AS_USER="sudo -u $SUDO_USER" >> AS_USER=""
    AS_USER="sudo" >> AS_USER=""
    $AS_USER "PATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH" libtoolize --force >>
    PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH" libtoolize --force
  • pygame==1.9.2

  • 注意端口开放问题

  • Email : [troy@zygd.site](mailto:troy@zygd.site?Subject=%5BImmunity Canvas搭建问题%5D&)

XRSec has the right to modify and interpret this article. If you want to reprint or disseminate this article, you must ensure the integrity of this article, including all contents such as copyright notice. Without the permission of the author, the content of this article shall not be modified or increased or decreased arbitrarily, and it shall not be used for commercial purposes in any way

Docker Pull Command

docker pull xrsec/canvas