Pooling TLS Wrapper
Accepts TCP connections on listen port and forwards them, wrapped in TLS, to destination port. ptw
maintains pool of fresh established TLS connections effectively cancelling delay caused by TLS handshake.
ptw may serve as drop-in replacement for stunnel or haproxy for purpose of secure tunneling of TCP connections. Thus, it is intended for use with stunnel or haproxy on server side, accepting TLS connections and forwarding them, for example, to SOCKS proxy. In such configuration make sure your server timeouts long enough to allow fit lifetime of idle client TLS sessions (-T
can be used with custom CAs and/or mutual TLS auth with certificates.
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You can say thanks to the author by donations to these wallets:
in config_examples directory for complete example of webserver masquerading proxy.From source
Run within source directory:
pip3 install .
From PyPI
pip3 install ptw
ptw is also provided as docker image. You may run it like this:
docker run -it --rm yarmak/ptw --help
In addition, there are docker-compose recipes for deployment of client (ptw) and server suite (haproxy with mutual TLS auth, Dante SOCKS proxy and decoy HTTP-server). See docker_deploy directory for complete docker deployment guide.
Snap Store
sudo snap install ptw
See quickcerts for easy TLS certificate generator.
Wrapper for SOCKS/HTTP proxy
ptw -c mycert.pem -k mykey.pem -C ca.pem -n 50 -T 300 example.com 1443
Corresponding minimal haproxy configuration on server:
log global
mode tcp
option tcplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout check 5000
timeout client 600000
timeout server 600000
timeout tunnel 0
frontend socks-proxy
bind *:1443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/server.combined.pem ca-file /etc/haproxy/ca.pem verify required
default_backend socks-proxy
backend socks-proxy
server localsocks
This command will accept TCP connections on port 57800, wrap them in TLS and forward them to port 1443 of example.com host, maintaining pool of at least 50 TLS connections no older than 300 seconds. For client TLS authentication see also -c
and -k
See also config_examples directory for full configuration files for haproxy and danted.
Transparent proxy for TCP connections
Run on your router:
ptw -a -c mycert.pem -k mykey.pem -C ca.pem -n 50 -T 300 -P v1 example.com 2443
Add following rule to iptables:
iptables -I PREROUTING 1 -t nat -p tcp -s '!' -d -j REDIRECT --to 57800
Assuming your local network is covered by prefix
Corresponding haproxy config sections:
frontend tls-wrapper
bind *:2443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/server.combined.pem ca-file /etc/haproxy/ca.pem verify required
default_backend strip-proxy
backend strip-proxy
server strip-proxy
frontend strip-proxy
bind accept-proxy
default_backend passthrough
backend passthrough
server direct *
This setup will redirect all TCP connections in your network. If your server supports proxy protocol version 2, you may use it as well (option -P v2
Universal haproxy configuration
Also you may share PROXY protocol, SOCKS protocol listener and decoy webserver on single external port. See haproxy.cfg
in config_examples directory.
$ ptw --help
usage: ptw [-h] [-v {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [-l FILE]
[--disable-uvloop] [-a BIND_ADDRESS] [-p BIND_PORT]
[-W POOL_WAIT_TIMEOUT] [-P {none,v1,v2}] [-n POOL_SIZE]
[--no-hostname-check | --tls-servername TLS_SERVERNAME]
dst_address dst_port
Pooling TLS wrapper
positional arguments:
dst_address target hostname
dst_port target port
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}, --verbosity {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
logging verbosity (default: info)
-l FILE, --logfile FILE
log file location (default: None)
--disable-uvloop do not use uvloop even if it is available (default:
listen options:
-a BIND_ADDRESS, --bind-address BIND_ADDRESS
bind address (default:
-p BIND_PORT, --bind-port BIND_PORT
bind port (default: 57800)
timeout for pool await state of client connection
(default: 15)
-P {none,v1,v2}, --proxy-protocol {none,v1,v2}
transparent mode: prepend all connections with proxy-
protocol data (default: none)
pool options:
-n POOL_SIZE, --pool-size POOL_SIZE
connection pool size (default: 25)
delay after connection attempt failure in seconds
(default: 5)
-T TTL, --ttl TTL lifetime of idle pool connection in seconds (default:
-w TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
server connect timeout (default: 4)
TLS options:
-c CERT, --cert CERT use certificate for client TLS auth (default: None)
-k KEY, --key KEY key for TLS certificate (default: None)
-C CAFILE, --cafile CAFILE
override default CA certs by set specified in file
(default: None)
--no-hostname-check do not check hostname in cert subject. This option is
useful for private PKI and available only together
with "--cafile" (default: False)
--tls-servername TLS_SERVERNAME
specifies hostname to expect in server TLS certificate
(default: None)
docker pull yarmak/ptw