
By ycya88

Updated 7 months ago

NCBI edirect docker images.

Data Science


NCBI EDirect Docker Images

Schedule Update Check (edirect)

This repository provides Docker images for the NCBI EDirect command-line applications.


The EDirect tools offer a suite of command-line applications for accessing and querying NCBI databases. This Docker image simplifies the setup and usage of these tools.

GitHub Repository:ycya88/ncbi_edirect

The Docker image defaults to:

  • Base Image: Ubuntu
  • Mode: User

Default tags include latest and specific EDirect version tags.

Quick Start

Update to the Latest Image

To pull the latest image:

docker pull ycya88/ncbi_edirect:latest
Interactive Terminal

To start an interactive terminal session:

docker exec -it $(docker run -itd ycya88/ncbi_edirect:latest /bin/bash) /bin/bash
Example Usage

Fetch a Nucleotide Sequence in FASTA Format

To fetch a nucleotide sequence by ID:

docker run --rm -it ycya88/ncbi_edirect:latest /bin/bash -c "efetch -db nucleotide -id u00001 -format fasta"

To search and fetch a nucleotide sequence:

docker run --rm -it ycya88/ncbi_edirect:latest /bin/bash -c "esearch -db nucleotide -query u00001 | efetch -format fasta"
Check Installation

To verify the installation:

docker run --rm -it ycya88/ncbi_edirect:latest /bin/bash -c "./installconfirm"



Docker Pull Command

docker pull ycya88/ncbi_edirect