About Ydfs
(Your Distro From Scratch) is a tool to build your own linux distribution
Build ydfs ISO
(from docker, Linux terminal or Windows powershell)
Automatic 64 bits ISO Build
- docker run --name ydfs -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/iso,target=/home/linuxconsole2019/iso yledoare/ydfs
- docker logs --tail=10 -f ydfs
- docker logs -f ydfs 2>&1 |grep build
Automatic 32 bits ISO Build
- docker run --name ydfs32 -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/iso,target=/home/linuxconsole2019/iso yledoare/ydfs32
- docker logs --tail=10 -f ydfs32
Verbose Build, without sharing output ISO on host :
- docker run --name linuxconsole2019 -e DIBAB_VERBOSE_BUILD=YES yledoare/ydfs
Manual build
Troubleshooting :
Error when build QT ?
Add "--security-opt seccomp:unconfined" option on Debian Strech
- Buildt from user account (no root or sudo needed)
- Fast boot
- Support x86, x86_64 ( arm not tested )
- applications are buildt from source
Build process
- Select arch to build
- all packages form packages/list-$ARCH are downloaded then build
- kernel is build
- modules and iso are created
- you can run "make test"
Custom build
See inside "config.ini" (written when selected ARCH)
You can :
- Use crosstool-ng instead of host toolchain
- build your own toolchain
- enable MENUCONFIG=YES to select your kernel options