
By yonahdissen

Updated about 1 month ago

Kubernetes Orphaned Resources Finder

Monitoring & Observability
Developer Tools


Kor is a tool to discover unused Kubernetes resources. Currently, Kor can identify and list unused:

  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Services
  • ServiceAccounts
  • Deployments
  • StatefulSets
  • Roles
  • ClusterRoles
  • HPAs
  • PVCs
  • Ingresses
  • PDBs
  • CRDs
  • PVs
  • Pods
  • Jobs
  • ReplicaSets
  • DaemonSets
  • StorageClasses

Run a container with your kubeconfig mounted:

docker run --rm -i yonahdissen/kor

docker run --rm -i -v "/path/to/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config" yonahdissen/kor all

Run as a cronjob in your Cluster (with an option for sending slack updates)

helm upgrade -i kor \
    --namespace kor \
    --create-namespace \
    --set cronJob.enabled=true

Run as a deployment in your Cluster exposing prometheus metrics

helm upgrade -i kor \
    --namespace kor \
    --create-namespace \

For more information see in cluster usage


Kor provides various subcommands to identify and list unused resources. The available commands are:

  • all - Gets all unused resources for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • configmap - Gets unused ConfigMaps for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • secret - Gets unused Secrets for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • services - Gets unused Services for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • serviceaccount - Gets unused ServiceAccounts for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • deployments - Gets unused Deployments for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • statefulsets - Gets unused StatefulSets for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • role - Gets unused Roles for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • clusterrole - Gets unused ClusterRoles for the specified namespace or all namespaces (namespace refers to RoleBinding).
  • hpa - Gets unused HPAs for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • pods - Gets unused Pods for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • pvc - Gets unused PVCs for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • pv - Gets unused PVs in the cluster (non namespaced resource).
  • storageclasses - Gets unused StorageClasses in the cluster (non namespaced resource).
  • ingress - Gets unused Ingresses for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • pdb - Gets unused PDBs for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • crd - Gets unused CRDs in the cluster (non namespaced resource).
  • jobs - Gets unused jobs for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • replicasets - Gets unused replicaSets for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • daemonsets- Gets unused DaemonSets for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • finalizers - Gets unused pending deletion resources for the specified namespace or all namespaces.
  • exporter - Export Prometheus metrics.
  • version - Print kor version information.
Supported Flags
      --delete                       Delete unused resources
  -l, --exclude-labels string        Selector to filter out, Example: --exclude-labels key1=value1,key2=value2. If --include-labels is set, --exclude-labels will be ignored.
      --exclude-namespaces strings   Namespaces to be excluded, split by commas. Example: --exclude-namespace ns1,ns2,ns3. If --include-namespace is set, --exclude-namespaces will be ignored.
  -h, --help                         help for kor
      --include-labels string        Selector to filter in, Example: --include-labels key1=value1,key2=value2.
  -n, --include-namespaces strings   Namespaces to run on, split by commas. Example: --include-namespace ns1,ns2,ns3.
  -k, --kubeconfig string            Path to kubeconfig file (optional)
      --newer-than string            The maximum age of the resources to be considered unused. This flag cannot be used together with older-than flag. Example: --newer-than=1h2m
      --no-interactive               Do not prompt for confirmation when deleting resources. Be careful using this flag!
      --older-than string            The minimum age of the resources to be considered unused. This flag cannot be used together with newer-than flag. Example: --older-than=1h2m
  -o, --output string                Output format (table, json or yaml) (default "table")
      --slack-auth-token string      Slack auth token to send notifications to. --slack-auth-token requires --slack-channel to be set.
      --slack-channel string         Slack channel to send notifications to. --slack-channel requires --slack-auth-token to be set.
      --slack-webhook-url string     Slack webhook URL to send notifications to
  -v, --verbose                      Verbose output (print empty namespaces)

To use a specific subcommand, run kor [subcommand] [flags].

kor all --include-namespaces my-namespace

For more information about each subcommand and its available flags, you can use the --help flag.

kor [subcommand] --help

For more information go visit: https://github.com/yonahd/kor

Docker Pull Command

docker pull yonahdissen/kor