
By yurinnick

Updated over 3 years ago

Unofficial Folding@Home Docker Image



Folding@Home Docker

DockerHub PullsDockerHub StarsGitter

Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we’re solving require so many computer calcul­ations – and we need your help to find the cures!

If you have a question regarding the setup or found a bug feel free ping in the Gitter chat or open an issue on Github.

Image Flavors

Currently there are two types of image available:

  • latest, cpu - lightweight image for CPU only workloads
  • latest-nvidia, nvidia - image with Nvidia GPU support. More information here


docker cli

CPU Instance

docker run \
  --name folding-at-home \
  -p 7396:7396 \
  -p 36330:36330 \
  -e USER=Anonymous \
  -e TEAM=0 \
  -e ENABLE_SMP=true \
  -e PUID=$(id -u) \
  -e PGID=$(id -g) \
  # Required for persistent data \
  -v /path/to/fahdata:/opt/fahclient/work \
  --restart unless-stopped \

GPU Instance

docker run \
  --name folding-at-home \
  -p 7396:7396 \
  -p 36330:36330 \
  -e USER=Anonymous \
  -e TEAM=0 \
  -e ENABLE_SMP=true \
  -e ENABLE_GPU=true \
  -e PUID=$(id -u) \
  -e PGID=$(id -g) \
  # Required for persistent data \
  -v /path/to/fahdata:/opt/fahclient/work \
  --gpus all \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Note: Requires docker-compose version 1.28+

CPU Instance

docker-compose up -d folding-at-home-cpu

GPU Instance

docker-compose up -d folding-at-home-gpu

Building Locally

While providing pre-build images, we encourage everyone to read the Dockerfile and to build it yourself.

Based on your prefered flavor use the command below:

# CPU-only image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t folding-at-home:cpu .

# Nvidia CUDA image
docker build -f Dockerfile.nvidia -t folding-at-home:nvidia .


  • USER - Folding@home username (default: Anonymous)
  • TEAM - Foldinghome team number (default: 0)
  • PASSKEY - [optional] Folding@home passkey
  • ENABLE_GPU - Enable GPU compute (default: false)
  • ENABLE_SMP - Enable auto-configuration of SMP slots (default: true)
  • POWER - "full" by default, but you can switch to "medium" or "light" (if your laptop runs too hot, or if your computer ventilates too much)
  • PUID - User ID for data volume. See details: persistent-storage (default: 1000)
  • PGID - Group ID for data volume. See details: persistent-storage (default: 1000)
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS - Allowed remote access to specified subnet (default:
  • EXTRA_OPTIONS - Additional FAHClient command-line options (default: "")

Persistent Storage

By default Docker doesn't store any data outside of a continer, so upon stop/restart/recreate all temporary FAH data will be lost. To persistently store working data mount /opt/fahclient/work onto some directory on the disk.

While mounting local volume there may be permissions issues between the host and the container. Specify current users PUID/PGID as parameters to ensure that data volume owned by the same user inside the container.

docker run \
-v /path/to/fahdata:/opt/fahclient/work
-e PUID=$(id -u)
-e PGID=$(id -g)

GPU Support

This image currenly supports only Nvidia GPUs.

To enable Nvidia support in Docker follow the instructions on Nvidia Container Toolkit installation guide for Docker.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull yurinnick/folding-at-home