Prometheus exporter for Resque metrics.
Prometheus exporter for Resque metrics.
By default, the resque exporter collects metrics from redis://localhost:6379. You can change it using the --redis.url
./resque-exporter --redis.url redis://
environment variable is given, it takes precedence over the --redis.url
REDIS_URL=unix:///var/run/redis.sock ./resque-exporter
If your Resque is using a non-default namespace (default is resque
) to prefix its Redis keys, specify the namespace using the --redis.namespace
./resque-exporter --redis.namespace app
$ ./resque-exporter --help
Usage of ./resque-exporter:
-redis.namespace string
Namespace used by Resque to prefix all its Redis keys. (default "resque")
-redis.url string
URL to the Redis backing the Resque. (default "redis://localhost:6379")
Print version information.
-web.listen-address string
Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default ":9447")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
You can deploy the resque exporter using the zappi/resque-exporter Docker image.
docker run -d -p 9447:9447 zappi/resque-exporter --redis.url redis://
Name | Help | Labels |
resque_failed_job_executions_total | Total number of failed job executions. | |
resque_failed_scrapes_total | Total number of failed scrapes. | |
resque_job_executions_total | Total number of job executions. | |
resque_jobs_in_failed_queue | Number of jobs in a failed queue. | queue |
resque_jobs_in_queue | Number of jobs in a queue. | queue |
resque_processing_ratio | Ratio of queued jobs to workers processing those queues. | queue |
resque_scrape_duration_seconds | Time this scrape of resque metrics took. | |
resque_scrapes_total | Total number of scrapes. | |
resque_up | Whether this scrape of resque metrics was successful. | |
resque_workers | Number of workers. | |
resque_workers_per_queue | Number of workers handling a specific queue. | queue |
resque_working_workers | Number of working workers. |
docker pull zappi/resque-exporter