
By zenhack

Updated about 5 years ago

Turn-key docker image for simp_le



simp_le for Docker

Build Status

Simple Let’s Encrypt client in a Docker container.

This image is running on Alpine Linux and is around 80MB in size.

N.B. this was originally a fork of https://github.com/kuba/simp_le, which is unmaintained and has some breakage due to bitrot. Thanks to @kuba for the original implementation.


For more info on simp_le aims, please read its manifesto.

How to use this image

The generated files are saved inside the container to /simp_le/certs, mount a volume there to get them.

To obtain a certificate and private key for both example.com and www.example.com (assuming both domains are resolving to the host IP and a webserver is already running on the host, serving files from /path/to/webroot):

$ docker run --rm \
    -v /path/to/webroot:/simp_le/www \
    -v $PWD:/simp_le/certs \
    zenhack/simp_le \
    --email you@example.com \
    -f account_key.json \
    -f fullchain.pem \
    -f key.pem \
    -d example.com \
    -d www.example.com \
    --default_root /simp_le/www
  • -v /path/to/webroot:/simp_le/www bind mount the local path /path/to/webroot to /simp_le/www inside the container, which is in turn used as simp_le default webroot with --default_root
  • -v $PWD:/simp_le/certs bind mount your local working directory to /simp_le/certs inside the container, where the requested files will be created.

For more info run $ docker run --rm zenhack/simp_le --help.

Example use with nginx container

You can combine this container with nginx to quickly obtain certificates for your domains:

$ docker run -d \
    --name nginx \
    -p "80:80" \
    -v webroot:/usr/share/nginx/html \
$ docker run --rm \
    --volumes-from nginx \
    -v $PWD:/simp_le/certs zenhack/simp_le \
    --email you@example.com \
    -f account_key.json \
    -f fullchain.pem \
    -f key.pem \
    -d example.com \
    -d www.example.com \
    --default_root /usr/share/nginx/html

Building the image from source

For testing and development purpose, you can build this image from the cloned GitHub repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/zenhack/simp_le.git
$ cd simp_le
$ docker build -t zenhack/simp_le:dev -f docker/Dockerfile .


Have a look at https://github.com/zenhack/simp_le/wiki/Examples

Docker Pull Command

docker pull zenhack/simp_le