DoChat is a Dockerized WeChat (盒装微信) PC Windows Client for Linux
DoChat(盒装微信) is a Dockerized WeChat(微信) PC Windows Client for Linux.
Image Credit: Docker 101 + Icon Finder, and Ps-ed by Ruoxin Song
WeChat PC will be started on your Linux desktop by running the following one-line command:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh | bash
Just copy/paste the above one-line command to your terminal and press Enter. Then the WeChat PC should appear in your XWindows desktop shortly.
It just works out-of-the-box with one-line of shell command!
sudo apt update && apt install docker.io
to install Docker for Ubuntu users)DOCHAT_DPI
DPI Scale Factors for graphic screen resolution.
DPI | Scale factor |
96 | 100% |
120 | 125% |
144 | 150% |
192 | 200% |
Default: 120
To enlarge the window & fonts size:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh \
| DOCHAT_DPI=192 bash
If you do not want to pull docker image for the latest version at startup everytime, you can set DOCHAT_SKIP_PULL
environment variable.
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh \
| DOCHAT_SKIP_PULL=true bash
In case you have downloaded dochat.sh
DOCHAT_SKIP_PULL=true ./dochat.sh
Show more debug log messages.
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh \
| DOCHAT_DEBUG=true bash
Use a specific version for WeChat.
You can get a full list of the supported versions from Docker Hub Image Tags at https://hub.docker.com/r/zixia/wechat/tags
For example:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh \
If you want to control everything by yourself, for example, open multiple WeChat PC client on your desktop; then, you might want to inspect the dochat.sh in our repository and try the following docker command:
docker run \
--name DoChat \
--rm \
-i \
-v "$HOME/DoChat/WeChat Files/":'/home/user/WeChat Files/' \
-v "$HOME/DoChat/Applcation Data":'/home/user/.wine/drive_c/users/user/Application Data/' \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-e XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx \
-e GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx \
-e QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx \
-e GID="$(id -g)" \
-e UID="$(id -u)" \
--ipc=host \
--privileged \
Modify it whatever you want to fulfill your needs.
)Install Gnome Extension: Top Icons Plus Git by bijignome
Note 1: there's almost half dozen of the
extensions with very similar name: TopIcons, TopIcons Redux, TopIcons Plus, TopIcons Plus Git, TopIconsFix. Use TopIcons Plus Git, it's the right one.Note 2: The
TopIcons Plus
has the bug that cause thewine
itself shows a window on your desktop. (#19)
When you encounter problem that the app exit with code 5 on openSUSE Leap, you need to disable X server access control to allow any user to connect to the X server before you start the app. Use below command to disable it:
$ xhost +
This could be caused by an old bug in wine with multiple monitor setup. Workaround is to start it up with single monitor and then switch to multiple monitors
This behavior may cause the view disappear when you use the Join Displays mode, so you need change the mode to mirrors when the app start, this script may help:
xrandr --output HDMI-1-2 --same-as eDP-1-1
DOCHAT_SKIP_PULL=true /home/yuhui/App/wechat/dochat.sh &
sleep 5
xrandr --output HDMI-1-2 --right-of eDP-1-1
Change the HDMI-1-2 to your external display name and eDP-1-1 to your built in display name. Display more than two, link to this.
Notice: you must drag the login dialog to built in display side when the process sleep 5, otherwise the view may stuck in the external display.
to select WeChat version.curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huan/docker-wechat/master/dochat.sh \
to set DPI scale factors for graphicg screen resolution.Got a great logo from my art friend Ruoxin SONG.
The first working version, cheers!
Project created.
Huan LI (李卓桓) zixia@zixia.net
docker pull zixia/wechat