NxFilter is a DNS server designed for scalability, flexibility with fast and easy content filtering.
This is a fork of Deepwoods' NxFilter-docker. The only changes involve tagging in Docker Hub.
While Deepwoods puts all updates under the "latest" tag (Deepwoods's Docker Hub), I want each image tagged with the NxFilter version number.
My links to: Docker Hub and GitHub
NxFilter is a scalable and reliable DNS filtering server software by Jahastech.
Container image is based off of Ubuntu:latest minimal with the most current DEB package for NxFilter from NxFilter.
Interactive container for testing:
docker run -it --name nxfilter \
-p 53:53/udp \
-p 19004:19004/udp \
-p 80:80 \
-p 443:443 \
-p 19002-19004:19002-19004 \
Detached container with persistent data volumes:
docker run -dt --name nxfilter \
-e TZ=America/Chicago \
-v nxfconf:/nxfilter/conf \
-v nxfdb:/nxfilter/db \
-v nxflog:/nxfilter/log \
-p 53:53/udp \
-p 19004:19004/udp \
-p 80:80 \
-p 443:443 \
-p 19002-19004:19002-19004 \
version: '3.5'
image: zorbatherainy/nxfilter:latest
container_name: nxfilter
hostname: nxfilter
restart: unless-stopped
TZ: "America/Chicago"
- nxfconf:/nxfilter/conf
- nxflog:/nxfilter/log
- nxfdb:/nxfilter/db
- 53:53/udp
- 19004:19004/udp
- 80:80
- 443:443
- 19002-19004:19002-19004
I noticed that with recent versions of NxFilter, if you use emptybind mounts
instead of volumes
(i.e., there is nothing in the mount's directories, a clean start), NxFilter tends to fail with an NullPointer exception (see your container logs).
The way I fixed this was to either (a) copy the config from another instance (if you're migrating), or (b) start up with a volume
(to create the initial config) and then copy the volume's contents to the bind mount
, or (c) just use volumes
, don't use bind mounts
Example of option B
# Run a container with the source volume mounted
docker run -d --name=source_container -v source_volume:/source busybox
# Copy files from container to bind mount
docker cp source_container:/source/. /tmp/target_dir
docker-compose to start and detach container: docker-compose up -d
Stop and remove container: docker-compose down
Restart a service: docker-compose restart nxfilter
View logs: docker-compose logs
Open a bash shell on running container name: docker exec -it nxfilter /bin/bash
Warning Commands below will delete all data volumes not associated with a container!
Remove container & persistent volumes(clean slate):
docker-compose down && docker volume prune
docker pull zorbatherainy/nxfilter:latest
docker stop nxfilter && docker rm nxfilter
Note If using docker-compose:
docker-compose down
Note If using docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
docker ps
docker logs nxfilter
Note If using docker-compose:
docker-compose logs
docker pull zorbatherainy/nxfilter