
By zsuatem

Updated 15 days ago

Simple Docker image of Vintage Story server for amd64, arm64 and arm v7 architectures.

Integration & Delivery
Operating Systems
Web Servers


Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)

Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)

Docker Image Size (latest by date)Docker PullsDocker Stars

1.18.8+ only supports AMD64


Simple Docker image of Vintage Story Server for amd64, arm64 and arm v7 architectures.

Tag structure

  • latest, stable - latest stable version
    • 1.16 - latest 1.16.x (stable) version e.g. (1.14, 1.15)
      • 1.16.4 - 1.16.4 (stable) version e.g. (1.14.10, 1.15.2)
  • unstable - latest unstable version
    • 1.16.5-rc.1 - 1.16.5-rc.1 (preview, rc) version e.g. (v1.14.0-pre.11, v1.15.0-pre.8)

How to use

Simple run

Simple run with default settings (not recommended).

docker run --name vintagestory -d -it -p 42420:42420/tcp zsuatem/vintagestory:latest

Data folder

If you want to easily change some settings or add mods you can mount the data folder or what you need to folder/file on your server. the data folder is mounted to a randomly named volume by default.

The data folder contains:

|-- BackupSaves
|-- Backups
|-- Cache
|-- Logs
|-- Macros
|-- Mods
|-- Playerdata
|-- Saves
|-- WorldEdit
|-- serverconfig.json
`-- servermagicnumbers.json

If you do not want to mount any file or folder you can copy the file from the server to the container using docker cp e.g. docker cp ./serverconfig.json vintagestory:/vintagestory/data/serverconfig.json.

Access to console

You can easily access the console using docker attach vintagestory where "vintagestory" is the container name. To detach, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + PQ.

Run the server (docker run)

Run with the data folder in the container mounted to vsserverdata volume.

docker run --name vintagestory -d -it \
    -p 42420:42420/tcp \
    -v vsserverdata:/vintagestory/data \

Run the server (docker compose)

Same as above but as docker-compose.yml. You can exacly the

docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.9"

        image: zsuatem/vintagestory:latest
        container_name: vintagestory
        restart: always
            - 42420:42420/tcp
            - vsserverdata:/vintagestory/data
        stdin_open: true
        tty: true


Useful URLs

Official game site Vintage Story

For more information, see the GitHub repository

Docker Pull Command

docker pull zsuatem/vintagestory