Oracle Database 19c optimized for the amd/arm platform(Oracle19c适配amd/arm系统的镜像)
This Docker image provides Oracle Database 19c optimized for the X86-64 and ARM64 platform, suitable for developing, prototyping, and testing in a non-production environment. For production environment, please obtain a commercial license. Licensing details are available at :
x86-64 platform
docker run --name oracle -d -p 1521:1521 bladex/oracle:19c
arm64 platform
docker run --name oracle -d -p 1521:1521 bladex/oracle:19c-arm
# Connect to Oracle
docker exec -it oracle /bin/bash
# Connect as sysdba
sqlplus / as sysdba;
# Display initialized pdbs
show pdbs;
# Change the password for user system
alter user system identified by system;
# Change the password for user sys
alter user sys identified by sys;
#Connect to container
alter session set container = ORCLPDB;
#Create user
create user yourusername identified by youruserpwd;
#Grant privileges
grant connect,resource,dba to yourusername;
#Drop user
drop user yourusername;
docker pull bladex/oracle