
By bobrik

Updated over 9 years ago



Mesos Spark

Spark for mesos.


Docker images are tagged by spark versions.

The Master URLs for Mesos are in the form mesos://host:5050 for a single-master Mesos cluster, or mesos://zk://host:2181 for a multi-master Mesos cluster using ZooKeeper.

Spark distribution url should point to spark distribution for your version of spark. You can obtain url from spark download page or host it yourself (preferred option). Note that you need compiled spark version, not source code.

Spark shell
docker run --rm -t -i --net=host bobrik/mesos-spark:1.1.1 /opt/spark/bin/spark-shell \
  --master <mesos master> --conf spark.executor.uri=<spark distribution url>

Check that everything works as expected:

sc.parallelize(1 to 1000).count()
Spark submit
docker run --rm --net=host -v /app/on/host:/app/in/docker bobrik/mesos-spark:1.1.1 \
  /opt/spark/bin/spark-submit --master <mesos master> \
  --conf spark.executor.uri=<spark distribution url> /app/in-docker

Here /app/on/host could be java, scala or python app. You should check out docs for examples.

Note that for java you also need to specify --class.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull bobrik/mesos-spark