
By camptocamp

Updated about 5 years ago

Use GitHub as a centralized repository of SSH keys



GitHub PKI

Docker PullsGo Report CardBy Camptocamp

github_pki is a command that can be used to retrieve and dump SSH keys from GitHub.


Dump all keys from team devops in organization zeorg to /home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ github_pki -a /home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys \
             -o "zeorg" -T "devops" \
             -t 398d6d326b546d70f9e1ef91abad1fc5ee0f1f39
Dump all keys from specified users as X509 public keys
$ github_pki -s /etc/software/ssl \
             -u bob -u alice \
             -t 398d6d326b546d70f9e1ef91abad1fc5ee0f1f39
Using docker
$ docker run -v $PWD/authorized_keys:/authorized_keys \
             -e GITHUB_TOKEN=398d6d326b546d70f9e1ef91abad1fc5ee0f1f39 \
             camptocamp/github_pki -u bob -u alice=jessie \
                -a /authorized_keys
Individual user format

Individual users (-u or GITHUB_USERS) can be passed in the following format:

Specify multiple users:

$ github_pki -u bob -u alice

Specify a different name on GitHub

GitHub user bob is called alice locally:

$ github_pki -u bob=alice

Specify a key ID to use

$ github_pki -u bob:1234

Docker Pull Command

docker pull camptocamp/github_pki