
By cloudstax

Updated over 6 years ago

The CloudStax FireCamp PostgreSQL container image



This PostgreSQL container image uses PostgreSQL 9.6.

The CloudStax FireCamp platform makes it easy to setup, manage and scale the Dockerized stateful services, including PostgreSQL. The platform is open source on CloudStax FireCamp Github.

The PostgreSQL cluster could be easily installed using AWS CloudFormation. Simply follow the Installation Guide.

The PostgreSQL failover is handled automatically. When the container moves from one node to another, the volume will move as well and DNS will be updated.

The PostgreSQL is secured by 3 mechanisms.

  1. The AppAccessSecurityGroup: FireCamp creates the AppAccessSecurityGroup to restricts the access to the stateful services. Only the EC2 instances in the AppAccessSecurityGroup could access the stateful services. The customer should have the application running on the EC2 of the AppAccessSecurityGroup and the same VPC.
  2. The Bastion node: the Bastion AutoScaleGroup is created and is the only one that could SSH to the FireCamp cluster nodes and talk with the FireCamp manage service.
  3. The PostgreSQL cluster has security enabled by default. User and password are required to access the service. The replication user and password is also enabled for the standby to replicate from the primary. See the PostgreSQL Internal.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cloudstax/firecamp-postgres