The image is based on ppa:ondrej/php builds and Ubuntu packages on top of clover/common.
All PHP modules are enabled by default at /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/{cli,fpm}/conf.d/
PHP FPM pool is pre-configured in /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
to use www
user and group.
, apcu
, apcu-bc
, ast
, bcmath
, bz2
, calendar
, ctype
, curl
, dba
, decimal
, dom
, ds
, exif
, facedetect
, ffi
, fileinfo
, ftp
, gd
, gearman
, geoip
, gettext
, gmagick
, gmp
, grpc
, http
, iconv
, igbinary
, imagick
, imap
, interbase
, intl
, json
, lua
, ldap
, lz4
, mailparse
, mbstring
, mcrypt
, memcache
, memcached
, mongo
, mongodb
, msgpack
, mysql
, mysqli
, mysqlnd
, oauth
, odbc
, opcache
, pinba
, psr
, pconv
, pdo
, pdo-dblib
, pdo-mysql
, pdo-odbc
, pdo-pgsql
, pdo-sqlite
, pgsql
, phalcon
, phar
, posix
, propro
, ps
, pspell
, radius
, raphf
, readline
, recode
, redis
, rrd
, sass
, shmop
, simplexml
, snmp
, soap
, sodium
, sockets
, solr
, sqlite3
, ssh2
, stomp
, swoole
, sysvmsg
, sysvsem
, tideways
, tidy
, tokenizer
, uploadprogress
, uopz
, uuid
, vips
, wddx
, xcache
, xdebug
, xml
, xmlreader
, xmlwriter
, xmlrpc
, xsl
, yac
, yaml
, zip
, zmq
, zstd
See for more details.
Location | Description |
/var/lib/php/sessions | PHP sessions |
Port | Description |
9000 | TCP port php-fpm is listening on |
Name | Default value | Description |
PUID | 50 | Desired UID of the process owner * |
PGID | primary group id of the UID user (50 ) | Desired GID of the process owner * |
CRON | not set | Will start cron inside the container if set to 1 |
CHOWN | /var/lib/php/sessions /var/www | Space-separated list of directories to chown with PUID /PGID on start |
PHP_* | not set | Allows setting any php.ini setting(s). Applies to both FPM and CLI. PHP_CLI_* and PHP_FPM_* take precedence if set ** |
PHP_CLI_* | not set | Allows setting any php.ini CLI setting(s). Will be set in /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/cli/conf.d/99-custom.ini file ** |
PHP_FPM_* | not set | Allows setting any php.ini FPM or php-fpm.conf setting(s). Will be set in /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/fpm/conf.d/99-custom.ini or /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/fpm/php-fpm.conf files ** |
PHP_FPM_POOL_* | not set | Allows setting any FPM pool setting(s). Will be set in /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/fpm/pool.d/www.conf file |
PHP_MODULES_ALL | 1 | Wether all modules should be enabled by default. Applies to both FPM and CLI. Enabled modules are symlinks in /etc/php/{8.x,7.x,5.6}/{cli,fpm}/conf.d/ directory. PHP_CLI_MODULES_ALL and PHP_FPM_MODULES_ALL take precedence if set |
PHP_CLI_MODULES_ALL | not set | Wether all CLI modules should be enabled by default |
PHP_FPM_MODULES_ALL | not set | Wether all FPM modules should be enabled by default |
PHP_MODULE_* | 1 | Wether to enable or disable specific module. Applies to both FPM and CLI. PHP_CLI_MODULE_* and PHP_FPM_MODULE_* take precedence if set ** |
PHP_CLI_MODULE_* | 1 | Wether to enable or disable specific CLI module ** |
PHP_FPM_MODULE_* | 1 | Wether to enable or disable specific FPM module ** |
could be used to preserve data volume ownership on host.
** The name of the PHP_*
variable is an uppercased version of the corresponding setting with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced by _
For example, to set session.save_path
environment variable.
are based on {8.x,7.x,5.6}
with additional openssh-client
and git
are based on {8.x,7.x,5.6}-git
, containing pre-installed composer
are based on {8.x,7.x}-composer
with additional pdo_snowflake
PHP module;docker pull clover/php