
By couchbase

Updated about 6 years ago

Provision a Couchbase Mobile backend and run functional and performance tests on it.



Running tests with docker image

IMPORTANT: This will copy your public key to allow ssh access from mobile-testkit container to other clusters in the container. IMPORTANT: If you have been developing on your host machine, you may need to make sure that the mounted volume does not pick up stale state (.pyc files, test run caches, etc)

In order to pull dependencies needed by docker/, re-run source

$ source
Local Development with mobile-testkit

Mount local dev environment for iterative development with docker backend. This way you can make changes in your /{user}/mobile-testkit repo and execute within the context of the container.

Using 'docker in docker'

$ docker run --privileged -it --network=cbl --name mobile-testkit -v $(pwd):/opt/mobile-testkit -v $(pwd)/resources/pool.json:/opt/mobile-testkit/resources/pool.json -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker couchbase/mobile-testkit /bin/bash

NOTE: if you are running this on a remote machine, there is no reason to mount the local dir to /opt/mobile-testkit, or mount the pool.json. Instead run:

 docker run --privileged -it --network=cbl --name mobile-testkit -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker couchbase/mobile-testkit /bin/bash

And then manually copy the pool.json file from the host to the container.

If you are running on a Centos7 host and you see an error about not being able to find /usr/lib64/, try the following workaround of running the same command with an extra volume mount for that particular .so object:

docker run ... -v /usr/lib64/ ...

And then inside the docker container:

# cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg
# sed -i 's/remote_user = vagrant/remote_user = root/' ansible.cfg
# python libraries/utilities/ --use-docker
# pytest -s --mode=cc --server-version=4.6.1 --sync-gateway-version= testsuites/syncgateway/functional/tests
Running entire test suite listed in (used for jenkins)

(cc / no xattrs)

docker run --rm --privileged --network=cbl --name mobile-testkit -v hosts.json:/opt/mobile-testkit/hosts.json -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker mobile-testkit-local ./ master base_cc 'pytest -s --sequoia --server-version=4.6.2 --sync-gateway-version=1.4.1-3 testsuites/functional/tests/'

Capturing network traffic

From the Linux Host where docker is running

$ yum install -y tcpdump
$ tcpdump -i docker0 -w /tmp/docker.pcap port 4984

Now, get the file to your OSX host and open it in Wireshark. It should contain all HTTP traffic between the test suite and the sync gateway machines.

Rebuilding docker image locally

If not up to date on dockerhub, rebuild locally:

$ cd docker/mobile-testkit
$ docker build -t mobile-testkit-dev .

Rebuilding (cross-compiling) Sync Gateway on OSX and redeploying to docker container


$ ./ && rm -f sync_gateway && GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v && cp sync_gateway /tmp/cbl.1-sg/sync_gateway/

In Sync Gateway docker container:

$ cd /home/sync_gateway && systemctl stop sync_gateway && rm -f /opt/couchbase-sync-gateway/bin/sync_gateway && cp sync_gateway /opt/couchbase-sync-gateway/bin/sync_gateway && systemctl restart sync_gateway

Docker Pull Command

docker pull couchbase/mobile-testkit