
By dsmithson

Updated about 2 years ago

Runs the RunSmart HealthMonitor service



This container runs the RunSmart HealthMonitor service

Supported Enivronment Variables

  • DataSource: IP address or hostname of the Microsoft SQL server running the RunSmart database
  • DBName: Database name on SQL Server
  • DBUserid: Username to log into RunSmart database. For default installations this is likely IOOSInterface
  • DBPassword: Password for user used to log into RunSmart database
  • RabbitMQ_URI: connection string to message queue (format: amqp://user:pass@host:5672/)
  • Write_Health_Monitor_Events: true/false flag to write full records to the Health_Monitor table
  • PrometheusPort: port number to host Prometheus metrics (disabled if not specified)

Example Run Syntax

docker run -it -e DataSource='' -e DBName='IODC_Central' -e DBUserid='IOOSInterface' -e DBPassword='4#c3Idu83R' -e RabbitMQ_URI=amqp://devtest:devtest@localhost:5672/ -Write_Health_Monitor_Events=false dsmithson/runsmart-healthmonitor:3.7-latest

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dsmithson/runsmart-healthmonitor