Executable tool from here: https://gitflic.ru/project/erthink/libmdbx/blob?file=src%2Ftools%2Fdump.c&branch=master
$ docker run eldarkurbanov/mdbx_dump
usage: /bin/mdbx_dump [-V] [-q] [-f file] [-l] [-p] [-r] [-a|-s subdb] [-u|U] dbpath
-V print version and exit
-q be quiet
-f write to file instead of stdout
-l list subDBs and exit
-p use printable characters
-r rescue mode (ignore errors to dump corrupted DB)
-a dump main DB and all subDBs
-s name dump only the specified named subDB
-u warmup database before dumping
-U warmup and try lock database pages in memory before dumping
by default dump only the main DB
docker pull eldarkurbanov/mdbx_dump