
By felixabramowski

Updated over 1 year ago

PN DCP for Linux



A small python script can be used to set name and IP Address of Profinet Devices in e.g. Linux environment. The script uses pnio_dcp and psutil.

-to run the container please use the host mode as Network with an already static ip address set to the network adapter.

-please also use the interactive mode because you have to type in the IP-Address of your local networkcard, and the corresponding settings for the PN-Devices.

if no PN-Device is found the script will end if one PN-Device was found the script will automatically use the MAC of this PN-Device. if more then one PN-Device was found you will be asked to enter the MAC-Address of the device you want to change. example for the parameters needed to run the image:

example command:

docker run -it --rm --name PNDCP --network host felixabramowski/pndcplinux:buildx-latest

Docker Pull Command

docker pull felixabramowski/pndcplinux