
By frodenas

Updated almost 8 years ago

A Docker Image for MariaDB



MariaDB Dockerfile

A Dockerfile that produces a Docker Image for MariaDB.

MariaDB version

The master branch currently hosts MariaDB 5.5.

Different versions of MariaDB are located at the github repo branches.


Build the image

To create the image frodenas/mariadb, execute the following command on the docker-mariadb folder:

$ docker build -t frodenas/mariadb .
Run the image

To run the image and bind to host port 3306:

$ docker run -d --name mariadb -p 3306:3306 frodenas/mariadb

The first time you run your container, a new user admin with all privileges will be created with a random password. To get the password, check the logs of the container by running:

docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>

You will see an output like the following:

MySQL User: "admin"
MySQL Password: "mKHBsVb2i7OrY26K"


If you want to preset credentials instead of a random generated ones, you can set the following environment variables:

  • MYSQL_USERNAME to set a specific username
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD to set a specific password

On this example we will preset our custom username and password:

$ docker run -d \
    --name mariadb \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    -e MYSQL_USERNAME=myusername \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mypassword \


If you want to create a database at container's boot time, you can set the following environment variables:

  • MYSQL_DBNAME to create a database

On this example we will preset our custom username and password and we will create a database:

$ docker run -d \
    --name mariadb \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    -e MYSQL_USERNAME=myusername \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mypassword \
    -e MYSQL_DBNAME=mydb \

Persist database data

The MariaDB server is configured to store data in the /data directory inside the container. You can map the container's /data volume to a volume on the host so the data becomes independent of the running container:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/mariadb
$ docker run -d \
    --name mariadb \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    -v /tmp/mariadb:/data \


Copyright (c) 2015 Ferran Rodenas. See LICENSE for details.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull frodenas/mariadb