cli app to create and edit releases on Github (and upload artifacts)
Source: gableroux/github-release Forked from: itchio/gothub Built by travis: GabLeRoux/github-release
docker run -it --rm gableroux/gothub gothub -h
Usage: gothub [global options] <verb> [verb options]
Global options:
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --verbose Be verbose
-q, --quiet Do not print anything, even errors (except if --verbose is specified)
--version Print version
-s, --security-token Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-t, --tag Git tag of release to delete (*)
-s, --security-token Github token ($GITHUB_TOKEN if set). required if repo is private.
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-l, --latest Download latest release (required if tag is not specified)
-t, --tag Git tag to download from (required if latest is not specified) (*)
-n, --name Name of the file (*)
-s, --security-token Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-t, --tag Git tag to edit the release of (*)
-n, --name New name of the release (defaults to tag)
-d, --description New release description, use - for reading a description from stdin (defaults to tag)
--draft The release is a draft
-p, --pre-release The release is a pre-release
-s, --security-token Github token ($GITHUB_TOKEN if set). required if repo is private.
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-t, --tag Git tag to query (optional)
-j, --json Emit info as JSON instead of text
-s, --security-token Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-t, --tag Git tag to create a release from (*)
-n, --name Name of the release (defaults to tag)
-d, --description Release description, use - for reading a description from stdin (defaults to tag)
-c, --target Commit SHA or branch to create release of (defaults to the repository default branch)
--draft The release is a draft
-p, --pre-release The release is a pre-release
-s, --security-token Github token (required if $GITHUB_TOKEN not set)
-u, --user Github repo user or organisation (required if $GITHUB_USER not set)
-r, --repo Github repo (required if $GITHUB_REPO not set)
-t, --tag Git tag to upload to (*)
-n, --name Name of the file (*)
-l, --label Label (description) of the file
-f, --file File to upload (use - for stdin) (*)
-R, --replace Replace asset with same name if it already exists (WARNING: not atomic, failure to upload will remove the original asset too)
docker pull gableroux/gothub