
By irekk

Updated over 5 years ago

Extension to official MySQL images, with additional initialization scripting.



MySQL 5.6 image with enhanced initialization.

Initialization scripts

  • Allow to use root from other hosts than localhost
  • Creates db-admin user with password taken from MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
  • Creates db-user user with password taken from MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
  • Contains initialization statements. By default it adds schema called docker with table settings.
  • Traverse through sql files in /sqls directory and flattens their structure in temporary directory, prepending with numbers.
  • Executes flattened sql files as db-admin user
  • Updates built-in docker schema, settings table record with incremented value of version.
  • Makes a dump of all schemas (except default ones) into 02-base.sql file
  • Removes flattened sql files

Docker Pull Command

docker pull irekk/mysql