Docker of the NGINX web server based on Alpine Linux with PHP and a few modules
NGINX and PHP Docker image based on Alpine Linux.
repositoryModule | Desctiption |
nginx-mod-http-brotli | Serves compressed responses with brotli (Google ) |
nginx-mod-http-auth-jwt | Client authorization (JSON Web Token (JWT) / OpenID Connect) |
nginx-mod-http-cookie-flag | Set the flags HttpOnly , secure and SameSite for cookies |
nginx-mod-http-dav-ext | Additional implementation for full WebDav compatibility |
nginx-mod-http-fancyindex | Like the built-in autoindex module, but fancier |
nginx-mod-http-geoip2 | City and country code lookups via the MaxMind GeoIP2 |
nginx-mod-http-headers-more | Set and clear input and output headers |
nginx-mod-http-vts | Virtual host and upstream traffic status |
nginx-mod-rtmp | RTMP protocol support. Live streaming and video on demand |
VTS Module
Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image.
Edit the compose file with your preferences and run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/k44sh/nginx.git
mkdir -p {config,data}
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
To upgrade, pull the newer image and launch the container:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
You can also use the following minimal command:
docker run --rm -d --name nginx \
-p 80:8080/tcp \
-p 1935:1935 \
-e TZ="America/Toronto" \
k44sh/nginx && \
docker logs -f nginx
Or this one for more customization:
docker run --rm -d --name nginx \
--ulimit nproc=65535 \
--ulimit nofile=32000:40000 \
--memory=2g \
--cpus=4 \
-p 80:8000/tcp \
-p 1935:1935 \
-e TZ="America/Toronto" \
-e PORT="8000" \
-e PUID="1002" \
-e PGID="1002" \
-e USER="docker" \
-e MM_LICENSE="xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-e MEMORY_LIMIT="1024M" \
k44sh/nginx && \
docker logs -f nginx
Variable | Description |
TZ | The timezone assigned to the container (default UTC ) |
PORT | NGINX listening port (default 8080 ) |
PUID | NGINX user id (default 1000 ) |
PGID | NGINX group id (default 1000 ) |
USER | The user name assigned to the container (default docker ) |
GEOIP2_CONF | Path to GeoIP2 configuration file (default /etc/geoip2.conf ) |
GEOIP2_PATH | Path to the GeoIP2 data directory (default /geoip2 ) |
MM_ACCOUNT | Your MaxMind account ID |
MM_LICENSE | Your MaxMind license key |
MEMORY_LIMIT | PHP memory limit (default 512M ) |
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE | Upload max size (default 16M ) |
CLEAR_ENV | Clear environment in FPM workers (default yes ) |
OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE | PHP OpCache memory consumption (default 256 ) |
MAX_FILE_UPLOADS | The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded simultaneously (default 50 ) |
: Internal authentication to add an authentication when publishing a stream/var/www/stream/publish.php
: Internal authentication to add authentication to watch a stream// Accounts
$accounts = array(
0 => array(
"name" => "user1",
"pass" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
You can configure OBS like this:
You can watch a stream like this:
If you want remove authentication, just comment the following directives in nginx.conf
Documentation: https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module/wiki/Directives
docker pull k44sh/nginx