This image sends flow logs from the AWS Cloud platform into Kentik.
To learn more about this, see:
Flags exposed by the binary:
Usage of ./bin/orangeflow:
-api_email string
Kentik Email Address
-api_root string
API url prefix. If not set, defaults to (default "")
-archive_bucket string
If set, archive flows here.
-bucket_name string
Bucket to find VPC flow logs in.
-company_id int
Kentik Company ID to use for devices
-dest string
Address to send flow to. If not set, defaults to (default "")
Turn off the tagging engine if set.
-export_id int
Kentik export id
-healthcheck string
Bind to this interface to allow healthchecks
-log_level string
Logging Level (default "debug")
-metalisten string
HTTP port to bind on (default "localhost:0")
-metrics string
Metrics Configuration. none|syslog|stderr|graphite: (default "syslog")
-olly_dataset string
Olly dataset name
-olly_write_key string
Olly dataset name
-plan_id int
Kentik Plan ID to use for devices
-redis string
host:port string on which to connect to redis
-redis_db int
Redis DB to use
-region string
Region to look for flow in (default "us-east")
-sample_rate int
Sampling rate to use. 1 -> 1:1 sampling, 2 -> 1:2 sampling and so on. (default 1)
-service_name string
Service identifier (default "orangeflow")
If true, this process is a sharding follower.
If true, this process is a sharding leader.
-site_id int
Kentik Site ID to use for devices
Log to stdout (default true)
-v Show version and build information
This requires the following variables to be set:
To run, a basic example is:
docker run \
-d \
--name orangeflow \
-p 8083:8083 \
kentik/orangeflow:v1 \
--bucket_name=$BUCKET_NAME \
--log_level=debug \
--region=$REGION \
--api_email=$KENTIK_EMAIL \
--plan_id=$KENTIK_PLAN \
--export_id=$KENTIK_EXPORT_ID \
Verify that this is working and get some useful stats with
curl | jq '.'
docker pull kentik/orangeflow