
By lloesche

Updated about 7 years ago

Generate an IAM User Report



AWS IAM User Report

######Create HTML or JSON User Reports for one or more AWS Accounts AWS IAM User Report


Tool to create User reports for multiple AWS accounts with information about who changed their password when and who's even using their accounts.

Usage Examples

Just dump a report with default credentials

./report.py > report.html

Dump a report in JSON format and use verbose logging

./report.py --verbose --json > report.json

Create Report for multiple AWS Accounts and send it by Email

./report.py --aws-credentials "Prod Account,AKIXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXX" \
                              "Dev Account,AKIXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXX" \
            --smtp-server smtp.mandrillapp.com \
            --smtp-port 587 \
            --smtp-login mysmtplogin \
            --smtp-password mysmtppassword \
            --smtp-from ops@example.com \
            --smtp-to lukas@example.com \
                      ops@example.com \
            --footer "© 2016 ACME Inc."

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lloesche/aws-user-report