
By lloesche

Updated almost 4 years ago

Cloudkeeper Docker Image




Housekeeping for Clouds


Cloudkeeper is a standalone CLI tool that periodically collects a list of resources in cloud accounts, provides metrics about them, and can clean them up.

Resource collection is performed in intervals (--interval) for each activated collector plugin (--collector). When resource collection is finished a resource cleanup can be performed (--cleanup). By default nothing will be cleaned! Cleanup plugins have to be installed and configured, or resources manually flagged for cleanup using the built-in CLI. Read more about collector, cli and cleanup plugins in the Plugins section below.

Who is it for?

Cloudkeeper was made for people responsible for their organizations Cloud Accounts usage and spending, who are comfortable with the Linux shell. It is assumed that users want to create their own Plugins fitting the needs of their particular use case and organization.
It can however be used without any programming experience just using the included CLI and Plugins.

tl;dr - show me something worthwhile

$ docker run -it mesosphere/cloudkeeper --verbose \
    --cleanup --no-cli --one-shot --interval 0 \
    --collector aws \
    --aws-access-key-id AKIAIO5FODNN7EXAMPLE \
    --aws-secret-access-key 'ABCDEF+c2L7yXeGvUyrPgYsDnWRRC1AYEXAMPLE' \
    --register-cli-action " \
        cleanup_plan: \
          match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume \
        | match volume_status = available \
        | match age > 7d \
        | match last_access > 7d \
        | match last_update > 7d \
        | clean" \

This will collect all known resources in all regions in the AWS account. Once the collection phase finishes and the cleanup phase begins it will run the registered CLI action. In this case it selects all AWS EBS Volumes that are not in use, older than 7 days, and have not had any read or write IOPS in the past week, and marks them for cleanup. In the next step cloudkeeper would delete all resources that have been marked for cleanup if it was not for the --cleanup-dry-run flag.

If you only want to collect specific regions, eg. us-east-1 and us-west-2 you could specify --aws-region us-east-1 us-west-2.

If you would like for cloudkeeper to do the same on an organization wide level, use credentials for your root account or instead of specifying them as CLI args export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_PROFILE. If you are running this inside EC2 you can also assign an instance profile and export AWS_CONFIG_FILE. Then provide the --aws-role and --aws-scrape-org args so cloudkeeper will discover all your organization's AWS subaccounts and assume the role in them.

Lastly the args --cleanup --no-cli --one-shot --interval 0 turn on the cleanup code (as opposed to just collecting resources and generating metrics), turn off the built-in CLI, tell cloudkeeper to run one resource collection loop and then quit (instead of running forever) and set the loop interval to 0 seconds (instead of the default 1h) so that once the collection loop is done cloudkeeper quits immediately instead of waiting for the interval to be over.


Cloudkeeper was developed as an internal tool at D2iQ for collection and cleanup of the most costly AWS resources. We are open sourcing it in its current state because over the past couple of months it has been very helpful for us in drastically reducing our cloud spent and we thought that especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic it might be useful for others as well.

As mentioned the main focus of Cloudkeeper right now is collecting and cleaning AWS resources because that is the Cloud we are spending the most on. However the infrastructure is there to implement other Cloud Collectors. There is an example one in plugins/example_collector/ and two others, plugins/onelogin/ and plugins/slack/ that we are using for notification purposes.

In addition Cloudkeeper can run distributed using the remote plugin. One could for instance run one cloudkeeper per AWS account and then merge those individually collected resources in a central location. Or run one cloudkeeper for collection and another one for cleanup. The collection instance would only require reading access to your cloud accounts and the cleanup instance could retrieve the collected data from the collection instances and remove unused resources.

There are also a number of cleanup plugins to be found in the plugins/ folder. The Docker image by default contains all the plugins from that folder.

In the TODO section below you will find a list of the most immediate open tasks. Those include implementing more cloud providers, more resource types for the existing ones, writing better tests and more extensive Plugin documentation.


Cloudkeeper Metrics As a by-product of our resource collection we are able to export Prometheus metrics at the /metrics endpoint.
The default listening port (--web-port) is 8000.
Custom metric labels based on resource tags can be defined using the --tag-as-metrics-label arg.
Example: --tag-as-metrics-label project subproject would ensure that every metric has two additional labels based on the contents of a resources 'project' and 'subproject' tags resulting in metrics output like:

cloudkeeper_volumes_total{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="available",type="gp2"} 36.0
cloudkeeper_volume_bytes{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="available",type="gp2"} 1.571958030336e+012
cloudkeeper_volume_bytes{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="in-use",type="io1"} 4.294967296e+011
cloudkeeper_volume_bytes{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="in-use",type="gp2"} 4.544075399168e+012
cloudkeeper_volumes_monthly_cost_estimate{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="available",type="gp2"} 146.40000000000003
cloudkeeper_volumes_monthly_cost_estimate{account="eng-sre (327650738955)",cloud="aws",project="",subproject="",region="us-west-2",status="in-use",type="io1"} 50.0

Because of the way metrics are collected resources currently only expose Gauge metrics. A single resource can either increase or decrease the Gauge. Within a plugin any type of metrics can be defined. Cloudkeeper itself is making heavy use of Summary and Counter metrics to benchmark its own performance.

Docker Image

A Docker image is available as mesosphere/cloudkeeper or by building the included Dockerfile.

Development Setup

Installing build dependencies

Alpine 3.12

# apk add build-base linux-headers findutils libtool automake autoconf git python3 python3-dev py3-pip

Debian 11

# apt install build-essential python3 python3-venv python3-pip git libtool autoconf automake

CentOS 8

# dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
# dnf -y install python38 python38-devel
Option 1) Installing Cloudkeeper for local development
$ git clone https://github.com/mesosphere/cloudkeeper.git
$ cd cloudkeeper
$ python3 -m venv venv   # ensure Python 3.8 or later is installed
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --editable cloudkeeper/
$ pip install --editable plugins/aws/  # one of the other plugins depends on aws
$ find plugins/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec pip install --editable "{}" \+

The contents of the cloned git repo can now be modified and changes will be immediatelly reflected when running cloudkeeper.

Option 2) Building binary wheels
$ mkdir ~/packages
$ git clone https://github.com/mesosphere/cloudkeeper.git
$ cd cloudkeeper
$ python3 -m venv venv   # ensure Python 3.8 or later is installed
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install wheel
$ pip wheel -w ~/packages cloudkeeper/
$ pip wheel -w ~/packages -f ~/packages plugins/aws/
$ find plugins/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 pip wheel -w ~/packages -f ~/packages

Copy the contents of ~/packages/ to any other system and install using e.g.

$ pip install -f ~/packages ~/packages/cloudkeeper*.whl

The target system does not require above installed compilers and build tools as the resulting wheels contain all of the binary dependencies. Only a basic Python 3.8+ setup is required.

Example usage

# $ is your shell
# > is the cloudkeeper shell

# If you have the aws cli installed ($ pip install awscli) setup AWS CLI credentials so you are
# logged into an account or alternatively provide --aws-access-key-id/--aws-secret-access-key
# You can also export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env variables or define them in
# ~/.aws/credentials and export AWS_PROFILE.
$ aws configure

$ cloudkeeper                                                # Run cloudkeeper with defaults and wait for it to complete
> count resource_type                                        # Count all collected resources by resource_type
> match resource_type = aws_ec2_instance                     # Lists all discovered EC2 Instances
> match resource_type = aws_ec2_instance | match age > 30d   # List all EC2 Instances that are older than 30 days
> match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume | count               # Find all EC2 Volumes and count them
> match resource_type ~ ^aws_ | match tags[owner] ~ sre      # List all AWS resources that have an 'owner' tag containing 'sre'
> backup /tmp/graph                                          # Store a backup of the currently loaded graph to /tmp/graph

# load the previously collected graph and activate the cleanup code in dry run mode
$ cloudkeeper --collector remote --remote-endpoint file:///tmp/graph --cleanup --cleanup-dry-run

> match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume | head -10   # list the first ten EC2 volumes
> match tags[owner] ~ sre | count resource_type   # find all resources where tag 'owner' contains 'sre' and count them by resource_type

# Count by account.name all AWS EC2 Instances, ALBs and ELBs that do not have an 'owner' tag
> match resource_type ~ ^(aws_[ae]lb\|aws_ec2_instance)$ | has not tags[owner] | count account.name

> match resource_type = aws_elb | head -1 | dump  # find the first Elastic Loadbalancer (Classic) and dump the object
> match name = sometestinstance | successors      # find a resource with name 'sometestinstance' and list its child resources
> match name = sometestinstance | predecessors    # find a resource with name 'sometestinstance' and list its parent resources


Cloudkeeper comes with a built-in CLI. Initially only used for debugging the internal data structures it can now also be used to perform simple searches and mark resources for cleanup. Entering help will give a list of all commands. help <command> will provide additional help for that command. Commands can be piped into one another using "|". Multiple commands can be run after one another using ";". If you need to use the pipe or semicolon characters in your commands make sure to escape them using a backslash "\" character. Internally commands take in and output Iterables often consisting of the Cloud resources. Commands can match any attribute of those resources. So for instance if an AWS EBS volume has an attribute volume_size then you could query all EBS volumes larger than 100GB using: match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume | match volume_size > 100.

By default all resources have Unix like ctime, mtime, atime attributes represented as Python datetime objects. From those attributes derived are age, last_update, last_access. Right now most resources support the ctime attribute, but fewer support mtime and atime. By default if a Cloud API does not return a modification time the value for mtime and atime is set to the current timestamp. The reasoning there is that those attributes are used to determine when a resource was last used. Typically I would want to clean up resources that have not been used in a long time not the most recent ones.

When the CLI sees that an attribute is of a certain data type it tries to convert the input value to that type as to allow comparison operations. In the next example we will delete all unused EBS volumes larger than 100 GiB that were created before the 1st of Januar 2020 and have not been written to or read from in the past 7 days.

> match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume | match volume_size > 100 | match volume_status = available | match ctime < 2020-01-01 | match last_access > 7d | match last_update > 7d | clean
> cleanup

The dump command is useful for getting a list of a resource's attributes and event log. To dump all resources to a json file one can use dump --json | write resources.json

The CLI has a clipboard which can copy and paste resources. For instance: match name ~ sre | clipboard copy; match name ~ eng | clipboard append; match name ~ sales | clipboard paste passthrough would list all the resources with the strings 'sre', 'eng' or 'sales' in the name. The ones with name containing the strings 'sre' and 'eng' are copied to the clipboard while the ones with 'sales' are passed through after the paste. Side note: the same could have been written as match name ~ (sre\|eng\|sales). This was just to demonstrate the functionality of the clipboard command.

Now the CLI is useful for exploring collected data but if you have a repeating cleanup query it would be tedious to manually run it periodically. To that end Cloudkeeper supports an argument --register-cli-action which takes a lowercased event name (see Events below) followed by a colon : and the CLI command that should be executed when that event is dispatched. If we wanted to run our volume cleanup from earlier every time cloudkeeper has finished collecting resources, we could call it like so:

$ cloudkeeper --collector aws --cleanup --register-cli-action "cleanup_plan:match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume | match volume_size > 100 | match volume_status = available | match ctime < 2020-01-01 | match last_access > 7d | match last_update > 7d | clean"

As a side note, there is a plugin plugins/cleanup_volumes/ that does just that. It was written before cloudkeeper had its own CLI.

Instead of passing CLI actions as commandline arguments they can also be stored in a text file and passed using the --cli-actions-config.


Cloudkeeper is designed to clean up resources. As such act with caution when selecting and filtering resources for cleanup. The default input to any CLI command is the list of all cloud resources. Meaning when you run match resource_type = aws_ec2_volume it runs this match against all resources. This however also means if you run delete --yes without any match or other filter before it, cloudkeeper sequentially runs the delete against all cloud resources.
It is the equivalent of rm -rf / for your cloud.
An even more efficient destructive command is clean; cleanup. In this case cloudkeeper would first mark all resources for cleaning, create a cleanup plan and then delete them in a very efficient and parallelized manner.

When doing a resource cleanup selection for the first time it is good practice to confirm the list of selected resources for plausibility using something like match clean = true | count or match clean = true | count resource_type before issuing the cleanup command.

Data Structure

Cloudkeeper Graph Internally Cloudkeeper stores all resources inside a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Each node (resource) that is added to the graph must inherit BaseResource. Dependencies within the graph are used to determine the order of resource cleanup. Meaning a resource likely can not be deleted if it has children (successors). During collection a new staging graph is created in parallel to the current live graph and its branches are being built up as collector plugins return their own local graphs. Once all collectors finish their work the old live graph is swapped with the staging graph making it the new live graph. This means that when querying metrics or performing CLI queries you're always working on a complete picture of all cloud resources.

Using the endoints mentioned in Distributed Instances this also gives you the ability to export the graph in various formats (GraphML, GEXF, JSON, etc.) and take a look at and explore your "Cloud". Cloudkeeper Cloud


Cloudkeeper knows three types of Plugins, CLI, COLLECTOR and PERSISTENT. You can find example code for each type in plugins/example_cli/, plugins/example_collector/ and plugins/example_persistent/. COLLECTOR Plugins collect cloud resources and are being instanciated on each collect run. PERSISTENT plugins are instanciated once at startup and are mostly used for resource cleanup decissions or for notification (e.g. to send a Slack message to the owner of an instance that has just been deleted). CLI plugins extend the built-in CLI with new commands.

Collector Plugins

Each collector plugin has a local graph. A collector plugin implements resource collection for a cloud provider (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure, Alicloud, etc.). During collection the plugin adds resources (e.g. instances, load balancers, volumes, users, etc.) to that graph. At the root of the plugin's graph is the cloud itself (e.g. 'aws'). Below that one would add one or more accounts. Below accounts Cloudkeeper expects to find regions. And within regions the plugin would add any resources as it sees fit. The plugin can create directed edges (connections) between resources to mark a dependency. When we are talking about dependencies we are always talking about deletion dependencies not logical ones. This means that a resource that has children can not be deleted without its children being deleted first. This sounds logical but can be rather unintuitive. For example an AWS EC2 instance would be the child of a EBS volume and not the other way around, because you can delete the instance without deleting the volume, but you can not delete the volume while it is still in use by the instance.

Once the collector finishes Cloudkeeper will take the collector plugin's graph and merge it with its own graph. In that way each plugin can independently operate on its own graph without any concurrency issues. The same pattern can be used within the plugin itself. For instance if the plugin wants to collect multiple accounts and/or multiple regions in parallel it can create a graph per account and region and merge those whenever a region has been collected.

Persistent Plugins

Persistent plugins run on startup and can register with one or more events. This way a plugin can be notified when e.g. cleanup is about to begin. As part of the event it would be handed a reference to the current live graph. It could then look at the resources in that graph, search for them, filter them, look at their attributes, etc. and perform actions like protecting a resource from deletion or flagging a resource for deletion. It could also register with the event that signals the end of a run and look at which resources have been cleaned up to generate a report that could be emailed or notify resource owners on Slack that their resources have been cleaned.

CLI Plugins

CLI plugins extend the functionality of the built-in CLI with new commands. They can act on and filter resources and have full access to the current graph, the scheduler and the CLI clipboard. CLI commands can also be used in scheduled jobs (--scheduler-config) and CLI actions (--register-cli-action and --cli-actions-config).


Cloudkeeper implements a simple event system. Plugins can register with and dispatch events.

The current list and order of events is:

EventType: Data
    STARTUP: None
    PROCESS_BEGIN: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    COLLECT_BEGIN: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    GENERATE_METRICS: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    COLLECT_FINISH: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    CLEANUP_PLAN: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    CLEANUP_BEGIN: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    CLEANUP_FINISH: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    PROCESS_FINISH: cloudkeeper.graph.Graph
    SHUTDOWN: {'reason': 'reason for shutdown', 'emergency': True/False}

A plugin can dispatch START_COLLECT if it wants Cloudkeeper to start its collect run without waiting for --interval seconds to pass.
PROCESS_BEGIN signals the start of a loop. Within that loop resource collection, metrics generation and resource cleanup are being performed.
GENERATE_METRICS is a signal for plugins that allows them to modify existing or add new metrics to the resources in the staging graph.
CLEANUP_PLAN is the point that persistent cleanup plugins would usually be called. Here they can look at the tags and age of all resources and decide which ones to clean.
CLEANUP_BEGIN signals the start of the cleanup process. This hook is useful for plugins that want to look at or modify the cleanup plan that was previously created.
SHUTDOWN is being dispatched when the user enters quit or Ctrl+c in the CLI or a signal (INT/TERM) to shutdown is received. Plugins can also cause a shutdown although this function should be used sparingly. Right now there is only a single plugin plugins/snowflake_protection/ that makes use of this event. It is responsible for snowflake protection (protecting very special resources from deletion) and if it can not parse its config it will dispath an emergency SHUTDOWN event. This makes Cloudkeeper instantly kill the Python interpreter to ensure that no protected resources accidentally get deleted.


Cloudkeeper supports scheduling of CLI commands either using the jobs, add_job and remove_job CLI commands or in a crontab style config file supplied to the --scheduler-config arg. A scheduled CLI command can be prefixed with an event name in lowercase letters followed by a colon which will make Cloudkeeper associate the command at the specified point in time to run once when the event is next triggered.

Example scheduler config file:

0 5 * * sat cleanup_plan:match account.id = 119548413362 | match resource_type ~ ^(aws_ec2_instance\|aws_alb\|aws_elb)$ | match ctime < @NOW@ | clean
0 0 * * * count resource_type | tee /var/log/cloudkeeper/resource_count-@TODAY@.txt
  • First line: every Saturday at 5am schedule a command to run the next time a CLEANUP_PLAN event is dispatched. This particular command would wipe all EC2 instances and load balancers in an account with ID 119548413362 that were created before 5am that day.
  • Second line: every day at midnight count the number of resources by resource type, log the output and also write it to a file with today's date in the filename.

When a command is not prefixed with an event name it is executed at the specified point in time immediately.

Distributed Instances

Cloudkeeper comes with a built-in development webserver (defaults to Port 8000). It is meant for few internal requests (i.e. do not expose it publicly) and provides a number of endpoints:

  /health           # GET Returns a static 200 ok
  /metrics          # GET Returns Prometheus Metrics
  /collect          # POST Tells Cloudkeeper to do a collect run
  /graph            # GET Returns a pickled representation of the live Graph
  /graph.gexf       # GET Returns a GEXF representation of the live Graph
  /graph.graphml    # GET Returns a GraphML representation of the live Graph
  /graph.json       # GET Returns a JSON representation of the live Graph
  /graph.txt        # GET Returns a Text representation of the live Graph

The most useful of those will be /metrics and /graph. In our own setup we have an authentication and TLS proxy in front of our Cloudkeeper instances. Because a single collect run can take quite a while depending on the number of accounts that need to be scraped I have gotten to a development workflow where I download the live graph to my local sy

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lloesche/cloudkeeper