
By matrixdotorg

Updated about 2 years ago



Matrix Sentry Webhooks

A bot to receive Sentry webhook events and forward them to chosen rooms.

Main features:

  • Supports both Integration Platform webhooks and legacy webhook events.
  • Uses pre-created Matrix user to send alerts using token auth
  • Configurable room per alert receiver
  • Automatic joining of configured rooms on start up (invite needed for private rooms)
  • Verification of messages against the Sentry client key or secret query param for legacy integrations
  • HTML formatted messages

How to use


Whether running manually or via the Docker image, the configuration is set via environment variables. When running manually, copy .env.default into .env, set the values and they will be loaded automatically. When using the Docker image, set the environment variables when running the container.


The Docker image is the easiest way to get the service running. Ensure you set the required environment variables listed in .env.default in this repository.

Docker images can be found on Docker Hub.


The URL for both Integration Platform events and legacy webhook events is the following, replacing with your domain where the bot runs:

NOTE! The bot cannot talk HTTPS, so you need to have a reverse proxy in place to terminate SSL.

Integration platform

You'll need the Sentry Client Secret to be placed as the SENTRY_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. The bot will verify the signature of payloads by comparing to a digest sent by Sentry in the request headers.

Legacy webhook events

You will need to configure a webhook integration in Sentry. Go to project "Settings" -> "Legacy integrations" -> "Webhooks". Enable for the project and add an url pointing to your bot, postfixing the url with the query parameter ?secret=foobar, replacing foobar with a secret of your choice, matching what is set as SENTRY_CLIENT_SECRET for the bot. Note, this does not have to correlate with any real Sentry client secret.


  • Registering an account instead of having to use an existing account


Apache 2.0

Docker Pull Command

docker pull matrixdotorg/matrix-sentry-webhooks