Image for InfluxDB 0.9.3 based on Debian Jessie
A docker image to run InfluxDB inside a docker container. InfluxDB is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. Please refer to the InfluxDB documentation for details.
To start a container using the default configuration:
docker run -d --name influxdb mnuessler/influxdb
You may want to mount a directory from the host into the container, so that the InfluxDB data persists between container restarts:
docker run -d --name influxdb \
-v /your/host/directory:/var/lib/influxdb \
Please note that the data directory on the host must be writable by the user running the InfluxDB server inside the container:
(uid 999)influxdb
(gid 999)On your host the uid/gid might map to a different user name.
When started without configuration parameters, a default configuration is used. For every configuration parameter, the default value can be overridden using an environment variable, so it is possible to do all configuration upon container start without touching the configuration file.
For example, to enable the collectd input listening on port 25827 with collectd metrics being written to a dabase named "collectd", the container could be started like so:
docker run -d --name influxdb \
-v /your/host/directory:/var/lib/influxdb
docker build .
docker pull mnuessler/influxdb