
By n8acl

Updated almost 3 years ago

Allmon2 Allstar Monitor MultiArch Docker Container



Allmon2 - AllStar Monitor

A PHP based dashboard to monitor AllStarLink Systems/Nodes

Allmon2 is a PHP based application developed by Tim Sawyer, WD6AWP. I created this docker container from his work to make deployment easier for me on my network and wanted to share it with others. Note that I cannot provide support for Allmon itself.

"Allmon is a web site for managing one or more app_rpt (aka Allstar) nodes. Each managed local node shows a list of connected nodes. The list is sorted in reverse order of the most recently received node. So the last node to talk is always at the top of the list. Any node that is currently being received will be highlighted by a green background as well as moving to the top of the list. The node list is updated once a second giving near- real-time status."

More informaton about the program can be found at https://github.com/tsawyer/allmon2.

Docker Compose

version: '3.3'

        image: n8acl/allmon2:latest
        restart: always
            - /<path-to>/allmon2/allmon.ini.php:/var/www/html/allmon.ini.php
            - /<path-to>/allmon2/astdb.txt:/var/www/html/astdb.txt
            - /<path-to>/allmon2/privatenodes.txt:/var/www/html/privatenodes.txt
            - /<path-to>/allmon2/.htpasswd:/var/www/html/.htpasswd
            - /<path-to>/allmon2/controlpanel.ini.txt:/var/www/html/controlpanel.ini.txt
            - '80:80'
        container_name: allmon2

Make sure to change the following:

  • < path-to > to the path of the allmon2 folder where you are keeping the config files. For Example: /home/user/docker-configs/allmon2/

Save your docker-compose.yml file.

The files linked in the volume section are:

  • allmon.ini.php - This is what is edited to connect to your AllStar Nodes to display them in the dashboard. "The user ID and passwords you enter here are the one you will use in manager.conf on your node server(s)."
  • astdb.txt - This is the database of Allstar Nodes that is downloaded periodically. If you need to reinstall the container configs from a backup, this will help get you started.
  • privatenodes.txt - This is where you put the node information not contained int he database downloaded from the AllStar Servers. This would be private nodes you hve setup or even Echolink Nodes.
  • .htpasswd - Create your .htpasswd file for the admin user(s). "In [the directory where you are storing the config files for your container], on the command line do: htpasswd -c .htpasswd username Some systems will need the -d option to force crypr() encryption needed by php"
  • controlpanel.ini.txt - "Edit controlpanel.ini.php for your desired commands. Be sure to keep the labels[] and the cmds[] tags in assoicated pairs."

Now bring up the container:

docker-compose up -d

Verify the container are running:

docker container ls --all

Then connect to the dashboard by putting the IP Address in of the server where you have this installed or byh FQDN.

Update astdb.txt AllStar Node Database

Create a cron job by typing

crontab -e

and then copy the following in

01 03 * * * docker exec -it allmon2 php astdb.php

Contact Me

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can reach me in one of the following ways:

If you reach out to me and have an error, please include what error you are getting and what you were doing. I may also ask you to send me certain files to look at. Otherwise just reach out to me :).

Change Log

  • 03/29/2022

    • Updated Contact Information
    • Updated PHP to Version 8.1.4
  • 07/04/2021 - Initial Release

Docker Pull Command

docker pull n8acl/allmon2