
By naviat

Updated over 3 years ago




Dockerfile to build an alpine container image.

  • s6 overlay enabled for PID 1 Init capabilities
  • zabbix-agent for individual container monitoring.
  • Cron installed along with other tools (bash,curl, less, logrotate, nano, vim) for easier management.
  • MSMTP enabled to send mail from container to external SMTP server.
  • Ability to update User ID and Group ID Permissions for Development Purposes dyanmically.

Table of Contents


No prequisites required


Automated builds of the image are available on Docker Hub and is the recommended method of installation.

docker pull naviat/alpine:(imagetag)

The following image tags are available:

  • latest - Alpine 3.11

Quick Start

Utilize this image as a base for further builds. By default it does not start the S6 Overlay system, but Bash. Please visit the s6 overlay repository for instructions on how to enable the S6 Init system when using this base or look at some of my other images which use this as a base.



The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/Zabbix Agent Configuration Directory
/assets/cron-customDrop Custom Crontabs here
Environment Variables

Below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your installation.

COLORIZE_OUTPUTEnable/Disable Colorized Console Output - Default: TRUE
CONTAINER_LOG_LEVELControl Level of output of container INFO, WARN, NOTICE, DEBUG - Default NOTICE
DEBUG_MODEEnable Debug Mode - Default: FALSE
DEBUG_SMTPSetup Mail Catch all on port 1025 (SMTP) and 8025 (HTTP) - Default: FALSE
ENABLE_CRONEnable Cron - Default: TRUE
ENABLE_SMTPEnable SMTP services - Default: TRUE
ENABLE_ZABBIXEnable Zabbix Agent - Default: TRUE
SKIP_SANITY_CHECKDisable Container Startup Routine Check - Default: FALSE
TIMEZONESet Timezone - Default: America/Vancouver

If you wish to have this send mail, set ENABLE_SMTP=TRUE and configure the following environment variables. See the MSMTP Configuration Options for further information on options to configure MSMTP.

ENABLE_SMTP_GMAILAdd setting to supoprt sending through Gmail SMTP - Default: FALSE
SMTP_HOSTHostname of SMTP Server - Default: postfix-relay
SMTP_PORTPort of SMTP Server - Default: 25
SMTP_DOMAINHELO Domain - Default: docker
SMTP_MAILDOMAINMail Domain From - Default:
SMTP_AUTHENTICATIONSMTP Authentication - Default: none
SMTP_USEREnable SMTP services - Default: user
SMTP_PASSEnable Zabbix Agent - Default: password
SMTP_TLSUse TLS - Default: off
SMTP_STARTTLSStart TLS from within Dession - Default: off
SMTP_TLSCERTCHECKCheck remote certificate - Default: off

See The Official Zabbix Agent Documentation for information about the following Zabbix values

Zabbix ParametersDescription
ZABBIX_LOGFILELogfile Location - Default: /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log
ZABBIX_LOGFILESIZELogfile Size - Default: 1
ZABBIX_DEBUGLEVELDebug Level - Default: 1
ZABBIX_REMOTECOMMANDSEnable Remote Commands (0/1) - Default: 1
ZABBIX_REMOTECOMMANDS_LOGEnable Remote Commands Log (0/1) - Default: 1
ZABBIX_SERVERAllow connections from Zabbix Server IP - Default:
ZABBIX_LISTEN_PORTZabbix Agent Listening Port - Default: 10050
ZABBIX_LISTEN_IPZabbix Agent Listening IP - Default:
ZABBIX_START_AGENTSHow many Zabbix Agents to Start - Default: `3
ZABBIX_SERVER_ACTIVEServer for Active Checks - Default: zabbix-proxy
ZABBIX_HOSTNAMEContainer hostname to report to server - Default: docker
ZABBIX_REFRESH_ACTIVE_CHECKSSeconds to refresh Active Checks - Default: 120
ZABBIX_BUFFER_SENDBuffer Send - Default: 5
ZABBIX_BUFFER_SIZEBuffer Size - Default: 100
ZABBIX_MAXLINES_SECONDMax Lines Per Second - Default: 20
ZABBIX_ALLOW_ROOTAllow running as root - Default: 1
ZABBIX_USERZabbix user to start as - Default: zabbix

If you enable DEBUG_PERMISSIONS=TRUE all the users and groups have been modified in accordance with Environmental Variables will be displayed in output. e.g. If you add USER_NGINX=1000 it will reset the containers nginx user id from 82 to 1000 - Hint, also change the Group ID to your local development users UID & GID and avoid Docker permission issues when developing.

USER_<USERNAME>The user's UID in /etc/passwd will be modified with new UID - Default N/A
GROUP_<GROUPNAME>The group's GID in /etc/group and /etc/passwd will be modified with new GID - Default N/A
GROUP_ADD_<USERNAME>The username will be added in /etc/group after the group name defined - Default N/A

The following ports are exposed.

10050Zabbix Agent

Debug Mode

When using this as a base image, create statements in your startup scripts to check for existence of DEBUG_MODE=TRUE and set various parameters in your applications to output more detail, enable debugging modes, and so on. In this base image it does the following:

  • Sets zabbix-agent to output logs in verbosity
  • Enables MailHog mailcatcher, which replaces /usr/sbin/sendmail with it's own catchall executible. It also opens port 1025 for SMTP trapping, and you can view the messages it's trapped at port 8025


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

docker exec -it (whatever your container name is e.g. alpine) bash


Docker Pull Command

docker pull naviat/alpine