Alpine Linux, Graphviz, JRE 8 and PlantUML
Docker image: Alpine Linux with Graphviz, JRE 8 and PlantUML
This image allows you to generate images from PlantUML diagrams. It is built automatically on the top of the tag 8-jre-alpine
from the openjdk repository, so that it always runs the latest update of OpenJDK in the latest Alpine Linux. Graphviz and PlantUML have to be updated from time to time by triggering a new build manually.
The following tags are available for the prantlf/plantuml
Download the latest image to your disk:
docker pull prantlf/plantuml
Print usage description with command-line parameters:
docker run --rm -it prantlf/plantuml
For example, generate a diagram image for diagram.puml
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/work -w /work \
prantlf/plantuml diagram.puml
You can also put a run-plantuml
script to PATH
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}:/work" -w /work \
prantlf/plantuml "$@"
and execute it from any location by supplying PlantUML parameters to it, for example:
run-plantuml diagram.puml
The local image is built as plantuml
and pushed to the docker hub as prantlf/plantuml:latest
Remove an old local image:
make clean
Check the Dockerfile
make lint
Build a new local image:
make build
Print the help for the diagram generator:
make run-help
Generate an image for a diagram sample:
make run-example
Tag the local image for pushing:
make tag
Login to the docker hub:
make login
Push the local image to the docker hub:
make push
Copyright (c) 2020 Ferdinand Prantl
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 miy4
Licensed under the MIT license.
docker pull prantlf/plantuml