Just a GPT4Free-based ChatGPT Telegram bot
Hiroshi is a GPT4Free-based Telegram chatbot that offers 100% free access to interact with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama2 language models, inclusive of Bing, You, AI Chat, and more. Users have the freedom to select their preferred model or specific provider. Do note, the speed/stability may be slightly diminished when working with certain providers. Conversation context is fully retained when you switch between models and providers.
Note: This bot provides access to public free services. The quality and speed of such services can vary depending on various conditions and their current load. If you need a bot that uses the official OpenAI API and you have an API KEY, please check the following repository:
Sure! @hiroshi_gpt_bot
The application is not resource-demanding at all. It works perfectly on the minimal Raspberry Pi 4 and the cheapest AWS
EC2 Instance t4g.nano
(2 arm64 cores, 512MB RAM), while being able to serve many people simultaneously.
Pull the Hiroshi Docker image:
docker pull pysergio/hiroshi:latest
Run the Docker container with the necessary environment variables:
docker run -d \
-e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<your_telegram_token> \
-v <path_to_local_data_directory>:/app/data \
--name hiroshi \
Replace <your_telegram_token>
and <path_to_local_data_directory>
with appropriate values.
Create a docker-compose.yml
file with the following contents:
version: '3'
restart: unless-stopped
image: pysergio/hiroshi:latest
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: <your_telegram_token>
- hiroshi_data:/app/data
Replace <your_telegram_token>
with appropriate values.
Run the Docker container:
docker-compose up -d
Please, visit the examples directory of the current repository for more examples.
You can configure Hiroshi using the following environment variables:
Variable | Description | Required | Default Value |
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN | Your Telegram bot token | Yes | |
ALLOW_BOTS | Allow other bots to interact with Hiroshi | No | false |
ANSWER_DIRECT_MESSAGES_ONLY | If True the bot in group chats will respond only to messages, containing its name (see the BOT_NAME setting) | NO | true |
ASSISTANT_PROMPT | Initial assistant prompt for OpenAI Client | No | "You're helpful and friendly assistant. Your name is Hiroshi" |
BOT_NAME | Name of the bot | No | "Hiroshi" |
GROUPS_WHITELIST | Comma-separated list of whitelisted group IDs, i.e "-799999999,-788888888" | No | |
LOG_PROMPT_DATA | Log user's prompts and GPT answers for debugging purposes. | No | false |
MAX_CONVERSATION_AGE_MINUTES | Maximum age of conversations (in minutes) | No | 60 |
MAX_HISTORY_TOKENS | Maximum number of tokens in conversation history | No | 1800 |
MESSAGE_FOR_DISALLOWED_USERS | Message to show disallowed users | No | "You're not allowed to interact with me, sorry. Contact my owner first, please." |
PROXY | Proxy settings for your application | No | |
REDIS | Redis connection string, i.e. "redis://localhost" | No | |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Redis password (optional) | No | |
RETRIES | The number of retry requests to the provider in case of a failed response | No | 2 |
TIMEOUT | Timeout (in seconds) for processing requests | No | 60 |
USERS_WHITELIST | Comma-separated list of whitelisted usernames, i.e. "@YourName,@YourFriendName,@YourCatName" | No |
Please, visit the examples directory for the example of .env
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
docker pull pysergio/hiroshi