A small docker-based shell that eases the use of terraform.
Resh mounts ${HOME}/.config
into the shell which makes your google cloud sdk state available inside the shell. It also source .resh.profile
if the file exists in the directory which allows you to implement project-specific tweaks.
# Optional, this step is assumed in the remaining examples though.
ln -s /path/to/checkout/resh/ /usr/local/bin/resh
# Make sure the image is build (this could be built into the image in a future release or we could just go via dockerhub)
# Then cd to your project that may or may not have a .resh.profile
# Launch the shell
# Then (inside the shell) do the following to make the reops project admin
# service-account available.
# You can now do terraform init/plan/apply/etc.
# You could also launch resh like this
bash -c "$(docker run reload/resh:latest cat /opt/resh/"
# With all the obvious risks it may carry
docker pull reload/resh