This image is designed to fit the needs of running a TYPO3/Shopware and other instances.
This image is designed to fit the needs of running a TYPO3/Shopware and other instances.
All files are served from /var/www/html/public
xdebug is disabled by default.
use the env variable to enable xdebug: XDEBUG_MODE=develop,debug
standard in config: xdebug.mode=off
to check: php -r 'xdebug_info();'
node v20 and v22 (default) are provided via nvm
PHP 7.4 provides v16 and v18
to change the version use the following commands:
nvm use v22
nvm use v20
only php 7.4:
nvm use v18
nvm use v16
docker pull riconet/apache