
By studioetrange

Updated over 4 years ago




docker sabnzbd by StudioEtrange

  • Run sabnzbd inside a docker container built upon debian
  • Based on sabnzbd github repository
  • Choice of sabnzbd version
  • Use supervisor to manage sabnzbd process
  • Can choose a specific unix user to run sabnzbd inside docker
  • By default sabnzbd configuration files will be in a folder named 'sabnzbd' which will be contained in a docker volume /data
  • Optional volume 'download' used as download folder
  • Embedded multi core version of par2

Quick Usage

for running latest stable version of sabnzbd :

mkdir -p data
docker run --name sabnzbd -d -h $(hostname) -v $(pwd)/data:/data -p 8080:8080 studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd

then go to http://hostname:8080

Docker tags

Pre-setted buildable docker tags for studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd:TAG

latest, 3.1.0RC1, 3.1.0Beta2, 3.1.0Beta1, 3.0.2, 3.0.2RC2, 3.0.2RC1, 3.0.1, 3.0.1RC1, 3.0.0, 3.0.0RC2, 3.0.0RC1, 3.0.0Beta4, 3.0.0Beta3, 3.0.0Beta2, 3.0.0Beta1, 3.0.0Alpha2, 3.0.0Alpha1, 2.3.9

Current latest tag is version 3.1.0RC1


Build from github source
git pull
cd docker-sabnzbd
docker build -t=studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd .
Retrieve image from docker registry
docker pull studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd
Standard usage
mkdir -p download
mkdir -p data
docker run --name sabnzbd -h $(hostname) -d -v $(pwd)/data:/data -v $(pwd)/download:/download -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -e SERVICE_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g) -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd

sabnzbd needs to know fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used to access it. And these authorized valued are in config file at whitelist value, which is populated by defaut whih container hostname. You can add other domain name with the env var HOST_WHITELIST_ENTRIES

Full run parameters
docker run --name sabnzbd -h $(hostname) -e HOST_WHITELIST_ENTRIES="," -d -v <data path>:/data -v <download path>:/download -p <sabnzbd http port>:8080 -p <sabnzbd https port>:8081 -e SERVICE_USER=<uid[:gid]> -p <supervisor manager http port>:9999 -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd:<version>

Inside container /data/sabnzbd will contain sabnzbd tautulli and files /download is the root folder of your downloaded files. It contains /complete/incomplete for complete/incomplete files and /vault for watched nzb files to download

If any path of theses volumes do not exist on the host while your are mounting them inside container, docker will create it automaticly with root user. You should use mkdir before launching docker to control ownership.

Access to a running instance

supervisorctl access

docker exec -it sabnzbd bash -c ". activate sabnzbd && supervisorctl"

bash access

docker exec -it sabnzbd bash -c ". activate sabnzbd"
Test a shell inside a new container without sabnzbd running
docker run -it --rm studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd bash
Stop and destroy all previously launched services
docker stop sabnzbd && docker rm sabnzbd

Access point

Go to http://hostname:SABNZBD_HTTP_PORT/ and https://hostname:SABNZBD_HTTPS_PORT
Supervisor process manager
Go to http://hostname:SUPERVISOR_HTTP_WEB/

Notes on Github / Docker Hub Repository

  • This github repository is linked to an automated build in docker hub registry.

  • is only an admin script for this project which update and add new versions. This script do not auto create missing tag in docker hub webui. It is only for this project admin/owner purpose.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull studioetrange/docker-sabnzbd