for running latest version of sickrage :
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/data -p 8081:8081 studioetrange/docker-sickrage:latest
then go to http://localhost:8081
It will pull lastest version from docker hub registry.
Available tag for studioetrange/docker-sickrage:TAG
latest, 4.0.22, 4.0.19
Current latest tag is version 4.0.22
git pull
cd docker-sickrage
docker build -t="studioetrange/docker-sickrage" .
docker pull studioetrange/docker-sickrage
docker run -v DATA_DIR:/data -p SICKRAGE_HTTP_PORT:8081 -p SUPERVISOR_HTTP_WEB:9999 studioetrange/docker-sickrage:SICKRAGE_VERSION
docker run -d -v DATA_DIR:/data -p SICKRAGE_HTTP_PORT:8081 -p SUPERVISOR_HTTP_WEB:9999 studioetrange/docker-sickrage:SICKRAGE_VERSION
docker run -i -t studioetrange/docker-sickrage bash
This github repository is linked to an automated build in docker hub registry. is only an admin script which update and add new versions. This script do not auto create missing tag in docker hub webui. It is only for admin/owner purpose.
docker pull studioetrange/docker-sickrage