
By ucatlas

Updated about 5 years ago

xAODAnaHelpers images built on AnalysisTop.




To see the full source code of xAODAnaHelpers included for each tag/release, visit github://UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers.

Getting an image

To get the latest image for an analysisbase release, you can run:

docker pull ucatlas/analysistop:21.2.13-latest
docker run -it --rm ucatlas/analysistop:21.2.13-latest bash

which puts you into the docker image and xAH is precompiled and the environment is set up so you can:

  • compile your package on top of xAH [using cmake, make]
  • run vanilla xAH_run.py with a config on some ROOT files


All builds are based on pushes to master which are deployed from .travis.yml executing a deploy.sh script like so:

  provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
  script: ci/deploy.sh
    branch: master

Every release that gets tagged and pushed to hub.docker.com will follow the format

{release}-{short hash}-{date}

We also push a latest image for every release of the format


Docker Pull Command

docker pull ucatlas/analysistop