
By vibpsb

Updated 8 months ago

i-ADHoRe can detect degenerated homology relations within and between different genomes.

Data Science
Machine Learning & AI


i-ADHoRe 3

The i-ADHoRe algorithm is based on the initial ADHoRe algorithm. After detecting initial pairs of colinear segments using the basic ADHoRe algorithm, these pairs are aligned to each other to form a profile that combines their gene order and content information. This profile is then used to detect additional homologous segments that show conserved gene order and content when compared to the profile rather than individual segments. If such an additional segment is discovered, it is included in the profile as well and the search is repeated until no additional segments can be found. All results are outputted in tab delimited text files.

The repository for this project can be found on GitHub. If you have any questions regarding this image, please open an issue.


Executing * i-ADHoRe 3* using the Docker container the syntax is:

docker run vibpsb/i-adhore i-adhore <parameters>

Note that the input files need to be mounted inside the container.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull vibpsb/i-adhore